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Should I buy this dropped bike? First time FJ owner looking for opinions

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Hey Everyone - Just getting some general opinions on this possible bike. 2017, but was laid down. Seller is willing to do $5,000 on it and says damage is just cosmetic. 

My two questions: 

  1. Is this something worth buying or too much of a risk? 
  2. How much do you think it would be to replace the parts that are missing/scratched? 



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It appears to have been laid down on the right side and dropped on the left side.

The seller states $200 in parts to make it right, but that is way too low.  It would cost more than that to have a mechanic install the parts if you got them for free.

I'm guessing there isn't much risk to buying the bike and the price is good since it has the Akra exhaust.  Was the ecu flashed or tuned?  

If I bought it, I'd be tempted to put cover protection over the scratched part in order to hide it and to protect the parts from future damage.  

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It might be worth buying (not for asking $) but the seller has no real clue how much the parts will be: (and I’m just ball-parking, no labor):

LH case cover 200-250 plus oil and coolant

LH lower rad hose and clamp ?

water pump housing? Min 100

RH clutch “noise cover” probably 100 plus the foam that’s inside. 
RH outer fairing 150 minimum, plus stickers. The inner pieces are separate. 
Rh turn signal probably 50

brake pedal and rubber 50-100

don’t forget about the frame damage on the RH front engine mount area. Plus footrests either side and potentially that nice Akra exhaust. 

price is way too high IMHO seeing how much work it needs to make it clean again. But it’s your money. FB profile seems a bit shifty to me also, seeing as the dude riding the mcy is on a Road king (I think…)


Edited by skipperT
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