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obd2 code reader

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Basic question , do I need any more than a basic reader for my 21 9gt ? just to have on hand as I had a the engine light come on  and cleared by a dealer . tps error and engine stall and nothing since . 

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Yes basic OBD2 reader should work, but you will need an adapter which you can get from Amazon or other online sites.

Something like this from Amazon. I bought it from a different seller but looks the same and should work...



Edited by robzilla
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×I picked up a basic reader from a local supplier for 40$ and ordered an adapter cable from amazon. I connected everything it worked , I disconnected it tried it again later and didn't work anymore. Put the reader on my car and no problem, tried on bike again but  no go i tries to connect but doesn't what a pain!!

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10 hours ago, kyle J said:

picked up a basic reader from a local supplier for $40

FWIW. I've been using an ANCEL AD310 for a number of years on multiple vehicles, including the '23 Tracer GT where it picked up a P2135 - ug.

Not a sponsor, bound to be better choices, but it's also in the $40 range and seems to work just fine for my simple needs.

You also might want to make sure that your adaptor cable is really well seated. It may be a cable issue rather than a reader issue.



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Definitely a bad cable ,no problem with the connections all solid just a bad cable as I said the reader works on the car. Its just such a pain as gotta return the cable order a new one and keep my fingers crossed. Thats why I bought the reader from a local retailer. 

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