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central missouri yamaha shop recommendation?

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tracer 900gt 2020 here. Has what I think is the low throttle opening roughness. I've had it to a few shops in Boone Co and none of them seem to feel like it's anything unusual. I'm curious about the threads on here about throttle position sensor adjustment/replacement. I'm thinking the folks I've had it to may just not see many Yamahas.

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This abruptness issue was also a thing on earlier models. There is an APS adjustment procedure (here) for the FJ, which has access to diagnostic values via the onboard dash display. The Tracer 900 would require an OBD reader that might be able to see these values in real time. Tracer 900 people will have to chime in to confirm how to make that work.

An ECU flash is another something that would smooth things out for you, but I'd try the APS route first.

Good luck.


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