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FYI, all the motorcycle.com forums were hacked, we are safe!

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Our forums are safe, updated, different more secure software and we have tight security practices.
Verticle Scope is out of Canada, they own motorcycle.com, all those forums, many auto and a total of over 1,100 forums.
The problem is when you use old forum software, dont use strong ssl for registration pages, you have to update your software very often, it's almost impossible to stay on top of protecting 1100 freaking forums.
Well, they got hacked in February, member passwords, ip addresses, pm's, everything. Worse, they didnt even figure it out until June, when a hacker group started posting all the files (including passwords) online for all the other hackers to go to work on. ouch.
Go visit any motorcycle. com/verticle scope site that you may have joined the last ten years, and change to very long passwords wth numbers and symbols.
Many people use the same damn password on any site they visit. So do not log in here with the passwrods u use on others motorcyle.com websites, including the fz-09 forum. They own them too.
Our registration and sign in pages are 256 bit encrypted, and we dont use that old cheap forum software that they use. Any respectable forum admin that I know dumped Vbulletin years ago and we stay on top of our security updates.
Read more here. http://www.zdnet.com/article/hacker-steals-45-million-accounts-from-hundreds-of-verticalscope-car-tech-sports-forums/
Read what other forum owners are saying in case this sounds too crazy to be true . https://theadminzone.com/threads/this-isnt-good.140762/
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This quote from the linked article above is very telling
"Despite a push in recent years for stronger encryption and fixing security flaws, the forums thought to be affected by the breach fell far behind industry security norms.
A cursory search of the list of domains caught up in the hack revealed that none of the sites we checked offered basic HTTPS website encryption, which would prevent usernames and passwords from being intercepted."
People see that name "motorcycle . com" and think, wow, they are huge and must be safe! Well, when you own that many forums, there is no way to keep up with all of the security updates. they would have to hire an army of programmers like Facebook, but they cant afford to hire that many people to keep watch and update every day.
Moral of the story. Listen to my warnings. Stop using the same password on multiple sites! Use long 12 plus digit passwords, with symbols and numbers and letters, change your passwords often.
We are on top of things here. Please stay on top of your passwords.
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  • Premium Member
apparently I may have been compromised on linkedin - not sure what any phucker will do with the information there as I send it to all sorts of random recruiters who sell it on.
the important thing is not to put anything in a forum profile you would not want to be published in a tabloid newspaper if you happen to win the Euromillions lottery...
This signature is left blank as the poster writes enough pretentious bollocks as it is.
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