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Logged in members see less ads, visitors get ALL the ads!

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Website owners that don't sell anything rely on banner ads for money to pay for the forum. It's not personal, we just have to recoup money to cover the many costs of running a good forum that is safe and secure. Safe and secure costs money.
Here are the new Ad policies on the FJ-09 Forum.
1.Premium Members see zero ads. Period. If you would like to become a premium member, send me a PM.
2.Logged in regular members only see max 3 ads per page. But enjoy your free use of the forum! Those ads are your way of helping to pay for this forum.
3.Visitors/Guests, they get absolutely slammed with ads. Up to 8 ads per page. I might jack it up to 10 ads per page.
4.And we are also no longer serving personal tracking ads to any visitors from Europe. You guys and gals get generic ads, all part of the new GDPR compliance laws.
Visitors do not contribute to our community in any way. The majority come to read your helpful tech posts to help them with their tech needs, and then they split without even so much as a "thank you".
And that's ok, but they can deal with the onslaught of ads.
The forum costs me money out of my own wallet, plus there are the many hours of work late at night that I put into this place. I think it is fair that I get "some" of that money back. This is not Facebook, the ad money I get is very little. And thats ok, im not in this for the money. I just have to keep my wife (the boss) happy.
I ask that you not block our ads via adblockers. Doing so means that "OTHERS" are paying for your enjoyment on this forum.
Thanks for being members of our awesome community.
Mr and Mrs Cruizin
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Thanks for the clear description of the ad policy Cruizin. PM sent about contributing financially.

Red 2015 Tracer, UK spec (well, it was until I started messing with it...)

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