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Fog lights from SUV to mount on motorcycle


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I installed an SUV fog lights https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DWQ9DNZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It is 60W per piece with 6000 LM output per single unit. The lights are very bright and I rode it around for an hour test ride with the lights on with no problem. I asked some of my riding friends around, some say it is ok, some say it is too much which may damage my bike's charging system. I have very few knowledge of the power of FJ. Can anyone give comments on this? 


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  • Premium Member

I have a 90 watt heated liner that I use in the winter, it is not a problem for the charging system on my GT.  That would be like 1-1/2 of your lights, my guess is that you are ok if you don't also have other high wattage pieces like a heated liner.

Edit add:  I could not find the watt spec for the charging system, but I found that the plug for the optional heated seat is 7.5 amps or 90 watts, so you should be fine with a 120 watt light system.

2019 Tracer 900 GT

Niwot CO

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