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Posts posted by nsrrider

  1. @nsrrider your rear cowl looks awesome! Great job! However, I don't understand the point... did you get any additional storage under the seat or is it simply to look badass?
    lol.....when I started out I thought I could build some storage into it.....but pretty much failed at that.....so it's pure cosmetic at this point.  
  2. I went to a lot of effort and made a rear seat cowl wrapped in CF and matching paint. Looks OK but has no storage advantage. When I saw your first pics I was skeptical of your final product but, on the final pics I gotta say, you did a great job. Highly functional and I don't think it actually looks bad. Putting a big top case on a rear rack is about the worst thing you can do for handling (JMHO) your set-up allows for easy commuting or day rides w/o putting the bags on. Good job. Your project makes me think of doing something similar, maybe integrating a 1 GAL Rotopak inside.
  3. I might add a couple thoughts......there is a big difference between "balance-point" wheelies and simple (though sometimes pretty lengthy) wheel lofts. BP wheelies generally take more skill (and risk) and should be learned VERY gradually--flipping a street bike at 50 to 75 MPH is not gonna end well for you. Learning these motorcycle control skills is made easier with dirt bike experience, but it's a control skill like any other, like threshold braking, aggressive countersteering techniques or hanging off and dragging your knee around a corner (preferably on a track :)) I guess my 2 cents would be to never let your skill sets stagnate at a certain level. Wheelies are NOT risk-free but hell, neither is motorcycling.
  4. Installed an Annitori Quick Shifter on the FJ today and re-installed the ECU which 2-Wheeled Dyno reflashed for the full Arrow system. Took it out for a spin and found myself with a HUGE (unexpected) grin on my face. I didn't really expect to sense a big difference in throttle feel with the re-flash but was pleasantly surprised on the improvement in ultra smooth fueling and generally smoother feeling motor. I also like how the bike now starts in "A" mode automatically. But the big grin happened when I forced myself to upshift at red-line with no clutch and keeping the throttle pinned. It worked flawlessly.
    My only (minor) complaint with the quick shifter is that their sales guy minimized the install a bit. He emphasized it is a "plug and play" installation....he neglected to mention you have to remove a lot of stuff to get access to the coil plugs. I should have known it but, not only the bodywork and gas tank has to be removed, so does the air box. Not a big deal but, a bit of a pain in the ass. I recommend having an empty gas tank to start with :)   Another minor beef is that the on-line instructions are not "model specific"...which would have been helpful.
  5. Well, the big items are the full exhaust system (12 LBS saving) and the battery (another 6 LBS).....the rest: rear pegs and bracket removal, turn signal replacements, rear license plate and turn signal extension removed, lighter rear sets make up the rest. I think I only added less than 1 LB with the laminar lip. It's gunna get harder to remove much more weight at this point. Would probably do a set of Carrozzeria wheels (about 10 LBS savings) if they were available. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense to go to great effort to remove this kind of weight, but I'm not real rational when it comes to motorcycles. :)  