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Posts posted by 2wheelies

  1. Yeah yeah, I know this is an 'old' thread.. sorry.
    I, too, am looking for a passenger back rest.
    My first thought was a Givi top case with their backrest pad. Double duty as luggage and a back rest.
    However I was chatting with customer support at one of the online retailers, and they didn't recommend it.. They said that since there are only 3 (plastic) mounting points for the top case, it's not safe for a passenger to rely on that as a backrest. Maybe they just didn't want to be liable for safety issues. (Then why does Givi sell a backrest pad for their top case?!?!)
    In any case, what are your thoughts on using a top case as the passenger backrest? I know it's not 'ideal'.. Ideal would be mounting a Lay-Z-Boy for the passenger (j/k)
    Like most people, I just want a passenger backrest so they feel a little more secure, during acceleration, and something to lean back on a bit if we're on a longer ride.
    (I checked out the "Sargent" backrest... my gosh, that little thing is $350 !!!  I can get a full Givi top case set up for only a bit more than that much!
  2. Hi! I really would like the cruise control, and perhaps some better fuel mapping over the stock mapping?
    And, the option for a future upgrade (after market exhaust).
    Will this "Tune Boy" thing work with this, and can it be "changed" or re-flashed later (say, if I swap out exhausts?
    I'm not looking for big performance gains, this engine is so awesome. But a smoother throttle would be nice, and then a re-tune if I got an aftermarket exhaust (to lose the Catalytic converter and save some weight.. NOT for loudness!)