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Posts posted by couter

  1. Couter - Did your PSR links look the same as the picture I posted?  Some of their links have multiple positions, so some material might be extending beyond the mount points.  Looking at mine, I don't see any obvious reason they wouldn't work.  Riding a few hundred miles on them with the shock at minimum preset, I didn't experience any of the effect you describe.  The bike was noticeably lower and scraped on my driveway ramp, but didn't feel that hard at all.  I rode through a construction area back and forth to work with some pretty rough pavement.  There appeared to be plenty of room for them to bolt up - did you see any damage to other components down there?  I'll check my bike too if you did.
    They looked exactly the same! There is another thread here somewhere I posted a similar picture of them comparing the size. Since then I bought the lust links, and its been much better... maybe I'll try the PSR one more time, and really crank the preload on the rear shock and see if that makes a difference... Honestly though since I sometimes have a passenger, I wouldnt want to lose any more height especially with the weight sag between us. I always want to touch both feet comfortably to the ground though... Ah hell I've got them, might as well try them one more time! If nothing else maybe someone else here will want them. For now, I've got a new weekend project I gotta find time for... Hopefully its nice in Denver so I can give an appropriate test ride
    As for dropping the exhaust, if youre lucky enough to have a professional toolbox loaded with tools sitting in your garage, theres no need for that... then again I did have the entire rear swingarm removed and have over 2k miles on it since I reinstalled it! so minor details.
  2. The PSR links will not work, I own a set of them also(my "knowlegable" dealer sold them to me as well)- you would have chop out a huge section of the swing arm to fit those in there...I know because I installed them and the bike lost all ability to have any rear suspension... yeah my feet touched the ground great! but at the cost of a rock solid rear wheel. Go with soupys or lust, PSR isn't a real option unless you have a full fab shop to be able to modify the swingarm as needed.
    Also shame on the dealers that sold us these... I know at mine they said "the suspension is EXACTLY the same as the FZ-09, so they SHOULD work."
    the lowering kickstand from psr is nice, but it has a similar issue that it cant be flush with the ground like other lowering kickstands
    Im working on something to fix that (will reveal later when it is futher along)
  3. After lowering mine, I've had more issue with the center stand hitting the curb pulling in the driveway, or scraping just a little while two up riding in corners...but for that 2 up riding(I've got about 350lbs of human when doing that), its gunna drop the bike down that much more, so be mindful!
    Updated oil pan is a really good idea, I don't see any marks or the bit of oil pan that is supposed to "protect" the drain plug on the original design on my bike, that also doesn't mean it can't happen... I'm likely to be lucky so far...
    If I remember correctly, I think they are 14mm bolts and 15mm nuts(dont quote me) I used a 2x4 to act as a lever to move the wheel up and down while on the center stand, and made it really easy too if you have 6 ft or more.
    Keep in mind lowering the bike will make it stand a little taller on the kickstand, some don't mind it, others get a lower kickstand too- all personal prefs-
    Last note, congrats on your new bike
    Updated to clarify information about the new oil pan.
  4. I'll check with a locksmith through my work, that may be the path of least resistance. root, I'm trying to get the number 4 chips. I need 4 more of them (Im lucky that my cylinders take 3 of them each and I didn't have extras from what I had from existing spots.
    If anyone needs 1 or 3, I have a ton of extras of those and happy to share.
  5. Hey all, its been a while!
    I did a quick search for the lock cylinders, and the little chips that allow you to re-key them. Yammy now has a set for sale for the top case part number 2PP-F81C0-V0-00, that will also work for the side luggage! For the $30 bucks I figured I'd give it a whirl. Alas, my cylinders used up all of one size quickly. 
    I'm not comfortable trying to grind the chips like some folks have mentioned... SOOOOOO...
    Any chance you other guys might have this re-key kit? Maybe we can set up an exchange for the chips and help each other out?
  6. Had I the money, I would try one of the AR-1 Skully helmets with the E-tint, that looks sweet.
    I may not have that, but I do have a much more affordable sena smh-5 bluetooth devices hooked up into my shoei. I'm as close as possible to having that as my budget allows, But I'll keep an eye out for that kind of stuff, never know who is gunna make a retrofit or something...
  7. Shoei GT-aire. It may not be snell becuase of the jet fighter pilot half visor, but its really nice being able to switch between the 2 visors as the sun comes up or goes down without pulling over to take off sunglasses or the like. I tired carrying around different tinted visors for my old helmet, and that was just a PITA.
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