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  1. @Buggy Nate Ok, so I wasn't the only one that had a challenge getting the bubbles out. I have a couple of bubbles in my main screen, one near the F symbol and one somewhere else in the gas indicator line.. but as with yours, you really can't notice it when it's powered up... it's really only the second screen that's pretty blah, so I think I'll live with my main screen. Did it look like the second screen would disconnect? I didn't examine it that closely as I was trying to be careful with the ribbon connector. If it can, then yes, that could definitely be a way to go.. 👍 @skipperT Thanks for the info Skip, that makes sense!
  2. @Heli ATP I don't believe it will, so that becomes the 64k question, can a yamaha dealer transfer somehow the info to a new cluster. I will reach out to a dealer tomorrow to find out definitively. Hmm.. that's interesting, would a '19 Tracer 900 color dash work on a 2016 FJ-09 I wonder? I will investigate. ...After investigating, I don't even care if it would work, the 2019 tracer 900 cluster goes for $930!!?? That's just insanity. I think I'll live with my borked cluster.. 🤣
  3. @Buggy Nate I don't know if photos of the finished job would be of use to you? But if you think there's some value in it, then sure, I'll be happy to. I'm not sure about 2 layers on the right screen, I essentially watched the youtube video on it and just peeled the film like I did the first screen. Where I screwed up was that I for whatever dumb reason, ignored the video's warning to not use the razor blade to clean the glue off of the second screen (maybe I was worn out from the exhaustive process of cleaning the glue from the first screen) and just wanted to get it done, so I used the razor on the second screen, and it scratched the hell out of it.. *forehead smack* So even if you're feeling the urge to rush, I'd say do one screen, take a break, clear the head and then do the other screen, because I am not thrilled with my end result because I rushed the last two steps (cleaning the right screen and applying the film) and I'm paying the price for it.
  4. @Buggy Nate So I ordered the lcd-flip (which is much harder to do than just the color change), and on the left screen I left some bubbles when I applied the film (somehow I missed them) and on the right (secondary) screen I unfortunately put some scratches into it when I was cleaning off the glue.. @!*@#*%@#*^.. For whatever dumb reason, the two screens are NOT the same in terms of design, the primary (left) screen is very durable, and you can clean it all day long with an razor blade and not scratch it, but learn from my mistake don't get your x-acto blade anywhere near the right screen (after using it to peel up the film), it scratches like crazy. Soooo... the net result is that my primary screen looks "ok" (I can live with it when riding) but my secondary screen is kinda fugly looking.. sucks.. but it is what it is. One other thing I found is...definitely don't rush. set aside like 2 or 3 hours for the lcd-flip. You *reaaaallly* want to take your time when removing the film and cleaning the screen of old glue. I also used the hairdryer *constantly* on the screens and that really helped to make the peeling easier. I might order another one and just redo the primary screen. at least I could get the bubbles out of that one.. still thinking on it.
  5. Riiiiight? Isn't that nuts?? And that's the *cheap* one I've found. Revzilla wanted $530 for it.. my first thought was... $530?!? go fkk yourself. 😅 Sure, it's my bad that I messed mine up, but after riding around on it today, it's not *cough* terrible *cough*, so I think I'll just learn to live with it. 😁
  6. @roadrash83 Do you mean Harley Davidson dealerships can transfer the info in their clusters? Impressive. Yes, if they can do it, you'd think Yammy would be able to do it. =D I'll reach out to a dealer and see what they say. Thanks!
  7. Interesting, where might I look for a used (and hopefully in good condition) cluster? Yes, that is the drawback to another cluster, I lose my mileage. =/ Fascinating, I didn't know the dealer would be able to do that. Maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get a new cluster unit then.. chalk it up to an expensive mistake. Thanks for the advice everyone!
  8. Hey Gang, So today I was installing a color clusterz lcd-flip mod on my 2016 FJ-09, and unfortunately it didn't go as planned. I ended up mucking up the display pretty badly. 😑 So this is on me, and I own the mistake. I'm sitting here brainstorming my options, and I'm hoping someone might have a suggestion or two for me.. So far I have: 1) Live with it. Not ideal. 2) Replace the instrument cluster with another one. Cheapest I could find was $415. !*!#%!%. wow. um. ok. really not ideal. 3) Try an aftermarket cluster. 4) Replace parts in the assembly (the screens) with replacement screens. Not sure if that's possible. So option 3 is the one I'm wanting to gather opinions on. Has anyone installed an aftermarket cluster on an FJ-09? I so far, haven't found any that seem like they would be compatible. Would this be an overly complicated (ie, not plug and play) solution? Appreciate any suggestions, Thanks! ~Nick