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Posts posted by pieyed07

  1. 2 hours ago, betoney said:

    Before throwing money at it, have you done a quick bleed to check for any air bubbles?  A quick bleed check should only take 10 seconds,  - pump/hold, open, close, release, done.  Not saying that replacing the pads isn't necessary but checking for air is very quick and free.

    I will try that. Thanks 

    • Thumbsup 1
  2. 2 hours ago, trevinator said:

    Thats exactly what i was thinking of doing was something like that! Where did you get those plates? Do they rub your knees right there? They look a little close. 

    They are, call Biker Built Airwings. 1-800-451-9464 ask  for Sherrie and tell her you want info on the assembly for a Yamaha FJ- 09 .  HTH JD

  3. On 3/8/2020 at 6:28 PM, trevinator said:

    was wondering if anyone made a set of lower wind deflectors to help keep the wind off your knees a bit better in cold weather? might be something i would have to add to a set of crash bars?

    I hope  this works. Click on photo. 


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    I have been bouncing around an idea with the local Yamaha shop, which is one of the best shops I have ever been around in my 50+ years of riding. The idea is to put on a time trial for motorcycles here in Newton County, Arkansas. I talked with our state representative and the county sheriff about this; they are both support the idea.  We would be shutting down a portion of Hwy. 74  during the event. The idea is just in the talking stage. Is there any interest in a event of this nature?

    Thanks, JD

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  4. I have been bouncing around an idea with the local Yamaha shop, which is one of the best shops I have ever been around in my 50+ years of riding. The idea is to put on a time trial for motorcycles here in Newton County, Arkansas. I talked with our state representative and the county sheriff about this; they are both support the idea.  We would be shutting down a portion of Hwy. 74  during the event. The idea is just in the talking stage. Is there any interest in a event of this nature?

    Thanks, JD

    • Thumbsup 1
  5. On 9/28/2019 at 10:16 AM, Dodgy Knees said:

    Did 100+ miles this morning in low position. Same forward tilt i think but didn't notice much difference in leg room when riding but flat feet at stop, so will leave in low for now. 

    If this is my only issue, then I'm happy. ☺️

    Take a look at this.


  6. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Inuvik,+NT,+Canada/@68.3462299,-133.8618532,38147m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x5114923f95f996d1:0x522391a237afb784!8m2!3d68.3607249!4d-133.7228394
    If you really want to make a big adventure out of this trip you might want to take a look at Canada hwy. 8 to Inuvik, a town in the Northwest Territories of Canada. You would be one of the few to make that trip.You might even make the local news paper. I always wanted to do this but don't have the Cojones for it. This brings back so many memories of my younger days so whatever you do I take my hat off to you.
    Good Luck. 
  7. I picked up one of these, they're supposed to work pretty well. Going to test it and get familiar with the plugging process on an old tire before I go. IMG_5160.jpg
    Also ordered a new chain and sprockets and chain tool last night... I'm pricing Gore-Tex riding gloves too and they're not cheap but probably well worth it. Good point on getting a couple extra master links, I'll make sure I get some of those too. Thanks.
  8. You need a first aid kit and take along some Imodium AD trust me, a tire patch kit and a 12v tire pump, latex gloves, you will need them when your hands get wet and cold. Make sure you have a good rain suit and some way to keep your feet dry. A chain brake and two master links, one headlight bulb. a roll of good duck tape, a pint of snake bite or mosquito dope, I like Maker's Mark. bear bells, no food in the tent or on the bike, and rabbit foot for good luck. My first trip to Alaska was in the 70's I envy you. You might want to take the Cassiar Hwy, if you do, make a side trip to Hyder Ak. If you are tough enough you can get Hydraised, just ask around. HTH JD    https://www.google.com/search?q=hyder+ak+hydraised&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS704US712&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTtqTPv_LaAhWC44MKHcapDn8QsAQIdw&biw=1024&bih=677
