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Posts posted by tclhb

  1. 18 hours ago, KeesH said:

    Form as in.... in a matter of time that the seat will break-in to the shape of your butt?

    I think if you give our seat some time to break in you'll notice the seat adjusts to how you sit in it and once you imprint your butt into that foam you will not slide forward as easily. “

  2. 18 hours ago, KeesH said:

    And? I'm a bit curious... 😃

    The Corbin seat works better with the spacer. I’m still trying it out. Overall I’m definitely disappointed. The biggest issue being the forward slant of the stock seat, and to still have it with the Corbin 🙄 All I did yesterday was a series of short rides trying the height adjuster in different positions, upper and lower slots, then comparing with the stock seat in high and upper slot as per Yamaha. 
    I’m riding a couple hours tomorrow and that should give me a better idea how I like it. 

  3. 16 hours ago, KeesH said:

    Looks cool, and congrats it fits now. I've read the fitting instructions of Corbin, and during the coming months the rubber bumpers will break in and then you can probably remove some washers...

    What material did you choose for the seating panels?

    And how does the seat feel comparing to stock? I mean, it:

    • looks nearly flat to me..
    • looks that it is in the upper position. Is it, and how does the height feel compared to stock?
    • looks that the horizontal distance from seat to handlebar has increased, probably because the vertical support of the rider seat is shifted more backwards.. looked at the rear cowling beneath the seat..

    Looking forward to your comments... will help me a lot :)

    Greetz from The Netherlands... 😎

    Yes, it’s definitely has a large flat area. The stock seat has a U shape. 
    I ordered the standard which is the high seat. Following the instructions I set the seat adjuster to the low position and used the lower slot for the seat tab. 
    Seeing the comments from the other forum member he seems to think the distance to the handlebars increased. I didn’t notice a change. Maybe I need to ride it more, or perhaps the 3D spacer kit increased his distance from having a different body lean - torso position. 
    For materials I chose see the following post. 

  4. I’m 6’1”, 34” inseam. I wish I had good news. I just got back from a short 20 minute ride, and the Corbin is every bit as bad as the stock seat for crunching up your manhood as you slide towards the gas tank. Zero improvement. Towards the back of the seat where it’s wide seems like it might be a comfortable place to sit. As soon as I roll off the throttle or apply the brakes the only way to stay there is putting hard pressure with my forearms against the handlebars. My opinion that’s a dangerous way to ride in case I need to swerve suddenly. So I mostly just rode up towards the tank and not enjoying life. I’m going to put the 3D printed spacer kit back on and see if I can get the Corbin mounted on the bike with that in place. I hope to have the time later this week to do that. For my short commute tomorrow I’m just putting my stock seat back on. I guess it’s time to read the fine print on Corbin’s return policy/guarantee. 

  5. The bracket on the seat itself. 
    Yes, that’s the Yamaha 50 liter box. The plastic finish matches the side cases exactly. I just put it on a couple weeks ago. I waited almost 6 months and then canceled my order for the mounting plate and ordered it directly from Japan. Had the plate in 4 days. 

  6. In order posted by you all, THANK YOU SO MUCH KeesH, HeliATP, Korak, and maverick2076. Also thank you to others that had interest and comments. Korak, if you’re having trouble and have any questions for me, my email is tclhb@yahoo.com. Good luck! I’ll post as I get some riding time in, but that won’t be tomorrow. Just 40 miles RT commuting to an event. 

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  7. I ended up with 3 of the washers I had on hand that were slightly thicker than the 1 washer supplied on top, and put those under the bracket. The 3 washers I had were placed under the mounting bracket between the seat and the plate for both mounting screws. That did it. It locked into place but was super hard to unlock so I loosened and repositioned in the direction that made sense and now it’s working pretty good. Not as smooth and easy as stock, but acceptable. 

    My process was I first tried removing my 2 added washers per side and tried 1 and attempted every tip in the troubleshooting sheet except bending the steel tab at the front of the seat. None of that helped with my seat. Then I went to 2 then 3 washers and click, fastened. 

  8. Looks like some good tips! I’ll try some of those when I get home. Specifically about the rubber bumpers and the seat may need to slide forward more. I received an email from the tech telling me to try removing the alignment post and see if that makes a difference. I’m out on the bike right now riding with the stock seat, minus the 3D shim spacer kit. I’m missing that kit right now! It really makes a difference. 
    I’ll also post a pic of the seat on the bike as requested. 
    Thanks for your input and help!

  9. 10 minutes ago, Korak said:

    OMG! This sounds as if they sent you the wrong seat.  Why would you have to adjust the bracket if they manufactured it to fit perfect??  For the price Corbin had better look at their process since each seat is handmade, however the seat pan should be universal for the Tracer.

    I get mine tomorrow, not looking forward to messing around with washers and bracket adjustment.

    Please post your findings. I did mention to the tech that another person on the forum is receiving theirs Wednesday. I don’t know for sure and it seems neither did the tech, but I might be the first. At this point I really wish I had waited. No emails or other contact from them since this morning. 

  10. Got Corbin on the phone. They suggested moving the washers from above the mounting plate of the hook to below to extend the hook out some to meet the clasp. After that didn’t work I found thicker washers and tried those. Still no go so then I doubled those up and still no latching. 
    I wasn’t able to get ahold of the guy I talked to again and his voicemail was full. 
    There are instructions so I emailed and asked for a pdf. I also emailed them pics of how far extended off the bottom of the seat I have the hook and mounting plate. 
    Since I can’t see the actual hook going into the clasp since it’s all hidden, I put painters tape over the clasp, and putting the seat on and pushing down it’s either at the right spot or really close. 
