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Everything posted by arthur

  1. thank you ozvfr - i was toying with the idea of putting some road 5's on there. incidently, how am i supposed to inflate the tires? special tool?
  2. Thats the best I can do for now - I'm sorry. Nearly all the pictures I have are over 1 MB
  3. I'm just reading this thread because my inseam is 30. I touch the ground making contact with my toes. I can't imagine how a beginner could cope with this....anyway, If anybody give me the quick down and dirty on strategies for nitigating this I would appreciate it. thanks Richard
  4. Thank you for the welcome - I have not adjusted the suspension yet - I have only had it 24hrs! I need to be a bit careful where I spend my money - It still has the factory tires on from 2015 - It was kept inside the whole time out of the sun, but I still feel they should probably be changed (I am open to listening to other people's opinions though) I'm guessing new tires will be around $600......
  5. Hello! I am a new 2015 owner from Canada's west coast. Cortes Island. First impressions: with a full tank of gas it does not carry it's weight well. The engine is powerful though. There are no long straights around the island I live on, but I had it up to 6000rpm