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Wilbers 641 fit the fj09?


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Hi there,
Can't seem to find a solid answer on whether the Wilbers 641 will fit the FJ09 or not. It is listed as compatible with the fz09. On their website it only shows the 'lesser' emulsion 640 for the tracer. I would prefer compression adjustment and I'm definitely going to need remote pre load. Just trying to do it on a budget.
Cheers :)
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Just passing this along: Here is the Wilbers USA importer EPM Performance Imports. contact Klaus Huenecke with any questions. I just sent him a email about the same subject and he got right back to me. Kimofj
Klaus Huenecke
EPM Performance Imports
Email: info@epmperf.com
Phone: 732-786-9777
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I believe it fits,
I have the 640 with remote preload, I was told by the local importer that the 640 and 641 use the same shock body, he has been dealing with them for years and offers warranty repair, revalves and rebuilds.
Try emailing Wilbers directly, they were helpful when I was looking.
FWIW my remote preload hose was an inch or two shorter than ideal,
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