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Everything posted by zachd

  1. The fitment over the handlebars was fine once I got the bars cleaned off from the OEM grip glue, which was minimal. Test fitment was easy to fiddle with for fitment and placement, as well as removal to lay down the glue. The clutch side fitment was perfect. HOWEVER, the length on the throttle side, for some reason, is about half an inch short from covering the plastic piece underneath, which is pretty annoying. Not sure why it was designed like this. I'm gonna have to figure something out to cover the plastic that now shows. Also, the bracket to hold the controller will work, just not as intended. I had to bend the bracket a little bit to fit where I wanted it. Then I painted it black with plastidip. It looks really good, and depending on your hand size, you can actually reach it without removing your hand from the grip. Honestly, for $90, I don't think these can be beat. They get super hot within 2 minutes, and reduced vibrations big time over the stock grips. I could care less when it comes to having to scroll through my menu to turn on the OEM grip heaters, versus pressing a button on my bars. This is just as easy, if not easier since there are no menus to scroll through, just a simple button to press. Not to mention saving $200 and having them now, instead of 6 months from now. The auto shut off feature these have is also pretty sweet! Here is what the throttle side looks like:
  2. I installed these bad boys! Can't wait for it to cool off and crank em up!
  3. Which brand of screen is that shown above? Looks like the Puig. I just installed mine yesterday. I'll take pics soon and post em up!
  4. oooooo-laaaaa-laaaaaa I wonder what could possibly be inside!!!!!