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Posts posted by bobdog

  1. docsimple, everyone, thanks for the responses - a set of gaernes is on it's way - hope you are right. According to wessie, I've got beastly brogans that need drastic downsizing... (rofl)   This'll be the third set of boots, so hope it's right the stuff. Wishing I'd kept my ratty old High Points. 
  2. Vince, you are right. It can be ADJUSTED. Pattonme gave me some tips and I never had a wobble. I used "sag and swag" and got the bike stable for my 260# frame - then put on EBC pads, a steering damper and reflash. The only thing about the damper is that the bike is less nimble at low speeds on the "Rolls Royce in the Sweepers" setting. Waiting for an open track in the spring to test my settings at speed.
  3. Put a 20 buck WOLO low tone horn on the bike! Plug and Play from local car parts store for 12V vehicles 1955 to present. WOLO recommends switching the signalling system fuse to 10A. The current 7.5A fuse seems to work fine with the motor running, all flashers, brake light and horn going simultaneously. The stocker was ignored by someone who blew a stop sign whilst talking on a cell phone the other day. Won't happen again. WAAAAAAAA! WAAAAA!
    Alternative is "surface to surface destructive device" to remove offending vehicle and driver.  >:D
  4. Rode it! the 2WDW flash is awesome. Throttle response is smoother - lets me go thru choppy twisties with more confidence - less engine braking and no pop pop pop when I back off the throttle. Runs cooler. Need to find a legal environment to check other aspects of the reflash. Also stiffened rear shock up one notch to 6/7. The D 222s feel less squirmy, almost planted in corners now. Must be my learning curve. Overall, the new flash is a must have. This bike now rocks. :P