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"home-made' top-box

Guest lawrenceofsuburbia

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Guest lawrenceofsuburbia
I neither want nor need a large top-box, but something to carry a small amount of stuff without mounting the hard panniers is always useful.
I found this bag at, of all places, IKEA! But in the past I have found useful small carry-packs of various sizes in cycle shops too…
Made up a frame/ brackets, gave it a quick spray of matt black paint, and mounted it on the two bolts that secure the pillion handles at the rear of the bike, Loctiting them for added safety.
The frame/ brackets hold the top-box, screwed through to the inside of the box, and it also rests on the top horizontal part of the pillion handles, never used as I never, [em]ever[/em] carry a pillion.
The box is a handy 12L or so in capacity, and will readily take a two-piece wet-weather over-suit, spare gloves, map-book, phone, camera, note-book, and a fair bit more of light day-ride stuff.
When I do get around to using the panniers, these same items can be left in the top-box, leaving more room in the panniers for off-bike gear.
OK, so this set-up doesn’t have the convenience of a keyed lock to fit it to and remove it from the bike, but I figure that’s minor disadvantage only. It’s not a great colour match, although it looks better in real life than in these pix  – I’d have preferred black, but it’s not too bad.
All-up cost – about $25, and all that remains now is to give the whole plot a good dose top and bottom with an aerosol water-proofing spray, then… [em]bingo!
L of S
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I like your box. It is simple and pretty. Do you think that over time it would fatigue metal and break somewhere? Does it wobbles over bumps?
Maybe that you should add some reinforcement to the front bolts of the rack...
Im thinking of doing the same as i never take a passenger abord.
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Guest lawrenceofsuburbia
I like your box. It is simple and pretty. Do you think that over time it would fatigue metal and break somewhere? Does it wobbles over bumps? Maybe that you should add some reinforcement to the front bolts of the rack...
Im thinking of doing the same as i never take a passenger abord.
Time will tell! But the two brackets are pretty solid - 3mm steel. And the weight is carried largely on the tops of the pillion handles, on which the underside of the 'box' rests.   And the contents are never going to exceed a couple of kg at most - but I appreciate your 'warning' and will keep a close eye on things! L
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