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ABS Light

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So......5 days after my warranty expired my ABS light starts blinking. When I stopped at a stop sign, it went off and didn't come back for a couple of days. Came on again yesterday and went off when I stopped again. Any ideas on what's up with this?
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  • Premium Member
rear encoder wheel for ABS - tyre fitter bent mine on the bead breaker press - caused ABS light to come on. Check both encoder wheels are clean and not warped.
they managed to straighten the wheel and it has worked fine ever since but the owner bought me a new part anyway, so I have a spare!
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I have not done any maintenance lately. Neither wheel has been off in about 6 weeks. Front will come off today for a new tire though. I will inspect the unit. Is it possible that it's just dirty?
Yep, happened to me on a Bandit 1250. Similar symptoms too where it wasn't always throwing the error light, seemed random. Grab a shop rag and carefully clean any gunk off the sensor and refit it. Only takes a couple minutes and doesn't cost anything to try. Worth a shot.
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Cleaned the front sensor when replacing front tire this weekend. Went for a, um, vigorous ride Sunday and no light. I'll pop off the rear sensor and clean that one too when I get around too it. Front one didn't seem all that dirty, but I wouldn't say it was clean. Here's hoping the problem is solved. Thanks for the input.
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