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Posts posted by nhchris

  1. I combat the twitchiness of my non-GT FJ by reducing my corner entry speed a bit then using maintenance throttle to keep the suspension and chassis in tension. Without any throttle in corners, the FJ is very unsettled.
    Yup, reduced speed always helps as does staying on the gas through the apex.  It's just so hard to reduce speed when you're having fun! 
    I think my suspension might be set a bit stiff / hard.  Does anyone have some broad guidelines for suspension settings for a 200 pound rider on a 2016 FJ 09?
    I'm running 38 lbs front and rear in the Dunlops. Is that correct for my weight on this bike?
    Getting to know her is getting to love her...
  2. Today (yesterday actually) I did 250 miles of mostly 2-lane country roads in western Maine and Northern NH. It was an interesting ride because the last time I traveled the route I was on my ST 1300.  So I was able to do a good comparo of how each bike handled the same roads. The route was basically Rt 16 from Kingfield Maine to Portsmouth NH.
    Long story short: Compared to the ST my FJ was a twitchy girl, especially in the high speed sweepers. I could feel that shorter wheel base letting the bike wander a bit in 70 mph corners, especially if the road surface was bumpy. Just not as planted as my STeed.  But a joy to rail on sections of the road with brand new tarmac. I was lucky to ride stretches so new that no lines were yet painted on that beautiful black stuff.
    I mostly used compression braking setting up for corners. In a few places where I felt I carried too much heat into the turn leaning the FJ over more got us around just fine. The bike really is a great leaner. I've not touched-down the feelers on the stock pegs as I did regularly on the ST.  On the FJ the outer edges my boots were dragging but not the feelers.  Getting used to this increased lean angle is taking some time. Plus I have low confidence in the Dunlop OEM tires (ran Angel GTs on ST) and that gets in the way too.
    I was more aware of miles traveled on the FJ... because of the fuel range issue.  Got the flashing gage at about 190 miles.  Big difference from the 300 mile range of the ST with its massive 7.5 gal tank.  I've taken to filling the FJ up to slightly above the tank baffle holding the bike level.  Every little bit helps.
    I experienced less leg fatigue on the FJ due to the greater leg room.  But overall the FJ offers a more physical riding experience that the old ST.
    It was a joy to wrestle with for five hours and I have no complaints about the comfort seat.  For longer rides I now wear bicycle shorts under Fieldsheer leather riding pants and the combo works great.  Anyone want to buy an AirHawk seat cushion... slightly used?
  3. I got an invoice from the Manager at that AZ dealer i referenced earlier and thats the price he gave me plus freight and doc was $7500. i think ill wait and see what is left in the area and start the haggling process when its winter and they're still sitting on a bike thats already 2-3 years out of date. It'll be like a birthday present for me!
    I am a fan of private sales not dealers. Too many games seem to go on with dealers.  
    I bought my FJ in March from an ad on NH Craigslist. Guy was about 2 hours from me and had a fully stock 2016 with 3,200 miles on the clock. He wanted a firm $7,300 and that's what I paid. Included factory bags and comfort seats.
    I did not want a bike that had been heavily modded with exhaust, flash, electrical work, etc.  I prefer to do those things myself, if at all.
    His story was good in that he wanted to tour two-up and needed a bigger bike. (He bought a new Multistrada as soon as my check cleared!)
    Here in New England Fall is best time to buy a bike since winter closes down most riding by December.
    I suggest you  check your local Craigslist regularly looking for a good, low mileage ride.
  4. ... If the were up higher would the interfer with the large aftermarket screens that have cut outs for the guards? Or will it no be an issue? Wondering if anybody has experience with this?
    I have a Parabellum 26" screen on my 2016 09 and it has cutouts for the hand guards that fit perfectly with stock bar location / height. Lock-to-lock steering is no problem. 
    In looking at this screen I would guess that installing a riser for the bars would foul up the fit and reduce the steering arc.