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Everything posted by sandman900

  1. Appreciate the feedback, betoney. Had an Ohlins on my previous two CBR1100XX's, and am soured on them. In my experience they don't last long enough, too many rebuilds needed, worn out body, etc. Others love them and say they go 30,000 miles no problem. Very inclined to go the Penske route on the Tracer this time.
  2. Would you buy a Penske shock again, and would you deal with Traxxion Dynamics in the future?
  3. That TechMount is quite nice, but guess what- what they sell now is plastic, not alloy. Not at all the same quality apparantly
  4. Would be appreciated if you could show how your switched power set up looks- directly to battery, and then...? Will get NordicFlash tether for sure.
  5. I'm liking this solution a lot. Can't see any reason not to try it- unless I see something better. Question on security: how often do you remove your Garmin from the bike, and which quick release works best?
  6. Recently installed SRC Moto kit on my Tracer. Pics of a cracked sumps on other owners convinced me. Very impressed with the clear quality of the fabrication, finish, and hardware. Trade off of extra 10 minutes for oil change- worth it to me.
  7. I'm about to install the GIVI's on my Tracer, and that misalignment is quite concerning. Sure looks like a manufacturing tolerance error on the bars, in my opinion. You might have to return them for replacement.
  8. Doing my first oil change on my Tracer, I could not believe how factory tight the oil drain bolt was. Tighter than any other drain I've ever felt- really felt wrong, and finally released with a huge snap.
  9. If those weren't enough choices, GIVI offers a screen that's 8" taller than stock. https://twistedthrottle.com/shop/ergonomics/windshields-accessories/windshields/screen-blade-yamaha-tracer-900-2/?gclid=CjwKCAjwoZWHBhBgEiwAiMN66epRLhzFmsaua2Qm-GKZsoOvUK4R6zyOjr8AX5oewrJbUR7y2B6DmRoCFTUQAvD_BwE