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three Aussie Traceristas...

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In a rare, possibly even unique event here (for Tracers are seldom seen) three Aussie Traceristas met on July 8th at the FarRide rally meeting-point on our Sunshine Coast.   From left to right: suncoaster, who rode all of 30km from home: kimmie: who had ridden >1000km in <24 hours to the rally - the entire point of these FarRide excursions, it seems - then after a quick burger snack rode all the way home again: and wordsmith, who had driven 150km to meet up with these two....Photo by Mrs wordsmith.
Other pix below show some of the 40 or so other FarRide bikes: kimmie's laden machine (there's a baby grand piano in there somewhere): suncoaster's Tracer. Between the two of them suncoaster and kimmie seems to have about all conceivable farkles covered.   Final pic shows one of suncoaster's and wordsmith's playgrounds, the lakes region to the NW of Brisbane...   
Happy days!

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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Wordsmith & Suncoaster what an absolute pleasure to meet the two of you and Mrs Wordsmith of course!!  :)   I just really wished I had more time to spend with you. 
Farkling is half the fun, the other half is getting to use the farkles, although I can't take all the credit as Karl does most of the work.
I can tell you though that in that stuff, there is no baby grand piano despite what Wordsmith thinks.
This was a reccie run for another big ride I have coming up, so I packed all my camping gear in the bag on the backseat. Smurfette watched after everything while I wasn't riding.
I would post some pics, but my camera took a dive and didn't save any of the photos for the entire trip......argh!!

Kimmie......the lady who likes to take little detours :)

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This was a reccie run for another big ride I have coming up, so I packed all my camping gear in the bag on the backseat. Smurfette watched after everything while I wasn't riding. 
I would post some pics, but my camera took a dive and didn't save any of the photos for the entire trip......argh!!

That 'recce' run that kimmie refers to was a mere 2315km (1390 miles) over the weekend.   God knows what the 'big ride' will be.... well done anyway!

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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