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Engine running-hours...


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On my last Gen1 Tracer there was a function in the display that could be set to show actual time in hours and minutes that the engine had been running - and by extension, how long one had been in the saddle riding the bike.   Hardly a critical function, but I used it a cuppla times just for personal interest when on long day-in-day-out trips.

Now, try as I might I cannot find a similar thing in my GT, despite studying the Manual closely (except that my eyes go 'funny' with that small type).

Am I on the wrong track: is this feature not available on the GT?

I'd appreciate advice from fellow GTers.   TIA...

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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At least that trip data is available on most GPSs.

I too find that stuff interesting.

Even on a big day(s) of riding, I am amazed how much time stopped versus time moving.  You think you have been on it all day giving it some welly, and it appears that you have been lounging around.


PS:  @wordsmith threw in that Pommy reference for you.  Work with Brits in the oil fields and like this term as the immediate answer to all problems - "give it some welly".

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3 hours ago, vincep said:

PS:  @wordsmith threw in that Pommy reference for you.  Work with Brits in the oil fields and like this term as the immediate answer to all problems - "give it some welly".

Thanks, vincep!      As an ex-Pom I understand!   A northern saying if I'm not mistaken.

3 hours ago, vincep said:

At least that trip data is available on most GPSs.

I too find that stuff interesting.

Even on a big day(s) of riding, I am amazed how much time stopped versus time moving.  You think you have been on it all day giving it some welly, and it appears that you have been lounging around.


PS:  @wordsmith threw in that Pommy reference for you.  Work with Brits in the oil fields and like this term as the immediate answer to all problems - "give it some welly".


Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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