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Hi from Indiana


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Hi all,

As my profile photo shows I am currently a VStrom 650 rider. I'm very interested in an FJ-09. I've been thinking about a new(er) bike a long time and it seems this is where it's led me. Others may argue, but in terms of performance, dependability, comfort, and value I feel like the FJ has the best Venn Diagram going. 

I'm seeking a more highway capability, (Who am I kidding? I'm seeking more ZOOM, ZOOM!).

 I've been riding the VStrom since 2012 so I'm also using the "highway capability" desire as an excuse to get another bike 😉

The doggone VStrom has never failed me so I need to give myself some kinda rationale, right?

Anyway, I have my eye on a 2015 right now but that one may be sold so I'm looking at a few others as well. Not opposed to newer but have a budget and would like to be able to farkle (fit and suspension upgrades) within that budget.

While a brand new Tracer GT would be nice, I suspect a 2015 FJ would be miles ahead of a 2011 VStrom (mostly 2004 or older technology). So I'm good with that. 

I love my VStrom and hope to keep her as well. But the FJ seems da lot like a "vastly improved VStrom" that we may end up parting ways after I purchase an FJ.

Anyway, that's my intro.



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Hi JD and welcome to the forum. You won't go wrong with an FJ-09 I came from a Honda CBF 1000 and the difference in power delivery was so different I had to go for one. While I have room in my head for more than one bike I don't have room in my shed so the Honda had to go. I feel that a collection of bikes have to be different to each other in some way to have two bikes that do the same job one of them will end up unused and unloved but each to their own if you keep both it might be twice the fun.

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Hi, and welcome! I finally cut back from 2 (or more) to 1 bike. Maint, licences, insurance, etc. got to be too much.

Had to be a good bike to replace many and so far I'm not disappointed.

There seem to be a lot of 15-17 FJ'S available used, at least around here. You shouldn't have a problem finding one.

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Welcome, not-a-stranger! Or, "fellow V-Strom convert".

I keep running into people I know here...

My reasons for buying an FJ-09 were much the same as yours. Hopefully things will thaw out soon and we can meet up for a ride!

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Red 2015 FJ-09, among other things. Co-Host of The Riding Obsession, a Sport-Touring Motorcycling Podcast

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Yup another V-Strom bailer, but IMHO I would go with a 19/20 Tracer GT over the FJ-9.....no offense FJ owners. :) Yes the ZOOM ZOOM is addicting, as is the nimbleness and handing of this bike. 1000/1050 Strom owners believe their bikes are quick or fast......nope the FJ-9 and Tracer will dust em. No regrets whatsoever on my 20 GT, feel like this bike was honestly designed for how I like to ride and explore.

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