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Everything posted by crempel

  1. Take a chainsaw to the front half of the fender. Don't have a chainsaw, an axe will do In a pinch.
  2. I will assume function beat the sheet out of form in this fight. Matches the rear nicely though. ?
  3. My bike has intermittently made the cam chain rattle since new, but it would always quit when I had an opportunity to get to a dealer. On a recent trip to VA, it was making it like crazy. (4th time) It stopped at some point the next day, but I went by my local dealer today to tell him about it anyways. I asked him if he would take my word for it and he said yes. I was pleasantly surprised of course. He didn't put up any argument and said he had read the TSB. All scheduled and I'm quite happy obviously. Bike now at 10k miles BTW. 6 months in and still loving it.
  4. Where did you find the KEVTEX unit? What does it cost? Is your bike flashed or is the KEVTEX thingy a standalone mod?
  5. Owned it 3 months, 5200 miles. Replaced rear tire at 4800. 3 earl changes.
  6. Nice. Wrong before picture. I'll try again and try not to duplicate pics too. beforeafter
  7. I increased my cornering clearance for $0! The center stand is obviously the hang up here. I was looking at the bike today and had a thought. (Usually a dangerous proposition). I pulled out the rubber bumper that the center stand rests up against just to see if the stand came into,contact with and hard bits. Not even close. And the center stand sits WAY higher without it. Now, also obviously, I don't want the stand hitting and banging metal on metal with the stopper tab, so I took the bumper to the band saw and cut it way down in thickness. I measured the vertical,difference in ground clearance and the foot is now a bit over 1" higher! About 28 mm. Should,give a couple more degrees of lean angle I would imagine. beforeafterbeforeafterafter....forgot to take a before picture
  8. If you head west to Hendersonville where the good riding is, I'm here. Usually have a Sunday morning ride with some good guys. Pretty sporty.