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Everything posted by phpaul

  1. If I had a nickel for every time I've done the double-nut thing in the last 50 years, I could probably buy that set from Amazon. The last few times I've gone Redneck High Tech and welded the nuts... Just for grins, some "field expedient" tools that I've found so handy, I kept them: (Left) 14mm "Hex Wrench" when doing the suspension on the FJ (Center/Top) 14mm to 7/8" spark plug adapter to connect my compression tester to an old Farmall tractor (Right) 17mm "Hex Wrench" when doing the suspension on my old XS650
  2. Speaking of oddly sized hex's on this bike.. The front axle is a 14mm hex. I tried the same trick to no avail. I ended up ordering the set linked below. Has 12 & 14mm hex. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007UQLQQ4/ If I had a nickel for every time I've done the double-nut thing in the last 50 years, I could probably buy that set from Amazon. The last few times I've gone Redneck High Tech and welded the nuts...
  3. Sorry, my post was intended as sort of a clumsy way of sympathizing with you.
  4. Ow! I won't rub salt in the wound by telling you what full coverage costs me here in Maine, but DAY-um!
  5. Just rolled over 10K on mine. Bought new 4th of July weekend 2016 so just starting my 3rd season on it. Not a lot of miles compared to a lot of folks here, but not bad for an old fart that only takes afternoon rides. 200 miles is a BIG day for me.
  6. Thanks @enx. Beautiful country AND beautiful women. How's the beer?
  7. Thanks! They're Akitas and the biggest pair of goofball love bugs you'd ever care to meet. Good thing too, cuz the male is just 8 months old and already over 100 pounds!
  8. Not an FJ, but it's still a Yamaha! Baby daughter, her Bolt and "our" dogs. The black and silver female is mine in the sense that I paid for her and she's registered in my name. Lives with my daughter because my wife is allergic. The white male is hers and something of a camera hog...
  9. @bigorangecntry07 - I have GOT to get to Tennessee sometime. Drove through the East side of it going from Michigan to Georgia and back as a kid, and got the far Western edge of it on a TAD trip to NAS Millington, but that's it. Beautiful country!
  10. I found time to take a short ride with the ZX6 shock installed. I need to set the sag as the bike doesn't seem to "settle" when I plant my ample fundament in the seat which worried me just a bit, but the ride was enlightening. Bumps seem much more "modulated" for lack of a better term. The suspension's reaction is more of a sine wave than a square wave if that makes any sense. The frost heaves that Matt called a "curb" are still pronounced but you can feel the suspension taking the edge off. Not nearly as jarring. Handling seems quicker and more planted. I like to do S curves in my lane, flicking the bike back and forth like a NASCAR driver warming his tires. With the stock bits, that was accompanied by a slight but noticeable rocking-horse motion. Now it's perfectly flat or as nearly so as I can detect. Busy day today, but if I get time I'll check and set the sag and re-test. If there are significant changes I'll post back. Overall, I'm very pleased, especially since I have just a whisker over $500 invested including the tool kit.
  11. I got a used ZX6 shock that had been re-sprung and re-valved from member @carey which showed up in the mail today (Thanks, Carey!) Just got back in the house from installing it. Let me just say this about that job: Make SURE you're in a good mood and have your supply of patience topped off. Not technically difficult but EVERYTHING is a PITA to get at and requires some creative combinations of wrenches to accomplish. I watched this video first: [video src=https://youtu.be/mm1QvXm9HU4] which makes it look a lot easier than it actually is. I expect that's due to him working on an FZ09 vs. the MT/FJ. There's stuff in the way on the upper shock bolt that makes getting it out far enough to remove the shock a tad challenging. Also, the ZX6 shock's reservoir makes getting the new shock in interesting. I wound up taking the mud guard off and hoisting the rear of the bike via a ratchet strap slung over the trusses in the garage to get the suspension to full extention. It still took a fair bit of finagling to get it in and the holes lined up. But, it's in, I didn't break anything, I only lost a little blood and I didn't have any parts left over. If this bloody wind ever dies down, I'll take it for a ride and see how she behaves now.
  12. Well, what do you think? Curious to hear your opinion on the new forks. I've been holding off commenting for a couple of reasons. First, I'm not at all sure I'm sensitive enough to the nuances of handling to make an intelligent assessment of the changes. Second, the one thing I AM sure of is that the rear shock is horrible and is masking the effects of the mods in the front. Having said that, I will say that on those rare occasions where I can separate the reaction of the forks from the reaction of the shock, the front seems more compliant and the bike seems less twitchy over the bumps. Also, I took one click of preload out of the spring on the shock and that helped some as well. I'm waiting to hear about a used/rebuilt ZX6 shock and will post a (hopefully) more definitive report when I get a few miles on that setup.
  13. All I see is a Starbucks...close enough, I guess.
  14. Here ya go. Never pass up an opportunity to post pictures of my toys! Next, one for our more urban friends: A picture of your bike in front of a coffee shop.
  15. Annnnnd..we're done. Couple of tips, one mine, one a repeat from a video: 1. A "workmate" or similar clamping table is very handy for holding the fork tube at a convenient level while you compress the spring during disassembly/reassembly. 2. If you have a skid plate (and you should!) an old fashioned scissors jack under the plate (with the bike on the center stand obviously...) is a great and very stable way to hold the front of the bike up while removing the front wheel. Another note: I was able to hold the spring compressor down by hand long enough to slip the clip under the jamb nut so I could unscrew the top cap when disassembling. Reassembling with the heavier springs is a whole new ball game. After trying various ways I finally gave up and went and got my Brother-in-Law to help. Just no way to do with two hands. There is a trick to do it using ratchet straps but I don't have any small enough and regular motorcycle tiedowns don't provide enough leverage. All in all, a fairly simple process technically, but does absolutely require a couple of special tools.
  16. I knew I'd get it wrong (50/50 chance) @phpaul - sorry if I gave you bad advice to flip it over, like I said its been a year since I got my cartridges from Matt. No worries, mate! Just knowing where it went was a big help. I paid good money for that fork tool kit, might as well get my money's worth out if it!
  17. Haaaaaaaaa! I do so love making Rustang drivers look bad! I think it's the stealth effect of a fat, gray-bearded old fart on what looks like a touring bike. Haven't had the chance to do that to a Ca-moo-ro yet, perhaps they just know better.
  18. Well, poop. I'm gonna get REAL good at disassembling and reassembling FJ forks... Thanks for the correction, better now than when I had both forks back together and the wheel installed!
  19. Ah. Thanks! Not only does that get me back to work, but it kept me from doing something REALLY stupid! I was about to put the stock cartridge back in... Somehow or another I got them confused. Fortunately, the new part won't fit on the old cartridge. Also, once my other brain cell stopped in for a visit, the oil on the cartridge was a hint... DOH! Thanks again!
  20. Okay, so I got the drop-in kit for the forks from Matt (Thanks!). Watched a couple videos, picked up a couple hints, pulled the bike in the garage as it's supposed to rain for the next 2-3 days anyway. Got the left fork off the bike, drained and disassembled, and now I'm ready to put it back together. Except... There's this part in the kit, and I didn't see anything like it when I took the old cartridge out. I've got a PM in to Matt and I'm sure he'll point me in the right direction when he sees it, but thought I'd check and see if anyone else has done this and knows what this part is and where it goes. Thanks for any input!
  21. Great information, thanks! So which, in your opinion, is the bigger bang for the buck: shock or fork kit? Also, what might I expect to pay for cartridge(s) and springs matched to my weight?
  22. I've overhauled forks on older bikes, so I expect I could handle most upgrades.
  23. Lets say a fella had $500 max to spend on a suspension upgrade for the FJ. Riding style is "exuberant" but WAY short of track-grade aggressive. Kitted-out riding weight is ~215-220. Biggest complaint at the moment is vertebrae-compressing shocks when hitting bumps/potholes. Handling is okay for my skill level but not impressive. Sag is adjusted as much as stock units (and my skill level) will allow for my weight. What's the best bang for the buck?