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Everything posted by root

  1. That's not the type of thing we like to hear happening to an FJ or any biker. That said, very impressive you stayed on the bike and glad everything is ok.
  2. Took the GTS1000 in for a state inspection this morning and saw the new BMW S1000XR! About $18,200. Looked nice! Except I can't get past the duckbill platypus front fairing. Platypus is a fun word to say. Platypus. Lol. It'd be worth it to me to buy that bike just so I could say platypus more often.
  3. Thanks for this, traceroz - I've just ordered a pair, good value at $28 inc postage. They seem to differ from other extenders in that this item comprises a new "foot" that moves the stems and mirrors outboard by 35mm (1.5"), instead of lengthening the stems themselves by means of an insert. I'll leave my 2" dia spot mirrors on, as IMHO they do add another layer of useful wide-angled rear vision... But - FWIW - I do not seem to experience these mirror vibes that plague some here, it seems. Might happen when I get to 50+ kph! L of S I've got the ones that lengthen the stems and have no issues with vibes in the mirrors at any speed. I'm sure the ones you got will be fine too. My old bike may as well not have mirrors is was so blurred at any speed. Night and day difference.
  4. The pictures were very helpful. Thank you very much for that. Much clearer than the instructions that came with the grips. I will say the toughest part was the left grip, both getting the stock one off and the new one on. The rest of it just took patience to figure out the best way to route things and get back together. The loop in the wire on the right side was weird and tricky to get but once it was together it went just fine.
  5. You'd think they'd have an automatic reply set up, but again, it goes back to they seem like a very small shop.
  6. http://www.koubalink.com/ They list on their main page that they are closed until 6/28. This is copied from their page, "**We will be closed 5/28/15 through 6/28/15 & 12/19/15 through 1/6/16. For info and orders please contact: Carl's Cycle Sales at: www.carlscycle.com" I bought direct from them when they were open and was happy with their service. I get the impression they are a very small shop though. We all need vacations, right?
  7. I raised the shift lever and it is fine now.
  8. I have a sneaky suspicion this would exacerbate the issue. I think the front wheel is lifting. Stay with me here for a second. This could probably be fixed with a beak designed for down-force, because the FJ doesn't suffer enough from an identity crisis of being an adventure bike, so a beak would really put it over the edge. (rofl)
  9. Swapped handlebar position to the forward position. It is a subtle difference but I think I like it. I finished it late tonight. We will see how much difference tomorrow when I take it for a ride.
  10. Matte Black Scorpion EXO-R710 Nothing special. Matte Black looks nice with the matte grey bike and it's SNELL2015 rated, for whatever that's worth. I just got the helmet Monday. I'm not sure I'm ready to spend really big money on a helmet yet so I went with this medium grade helmet. Transition shield would be killer but I find I'm replacing shields more often than I'd like to get rid of scratches. Probably once or twice a season at least on my last helmet. Aren't the transition shields $100-$150? It would be painful replacing that very often.
  11. Yes. And the black ones are awesome. Fit perfect and blend in perfectly with the bike. You would think it came that way from the factory.
  12. Never mind. I answered my own question. If you turn the key to the on position without starting it the engine code will show on the right instrument panel.
  13. am I missing something? I have an ABS light and a check engine light on but I see no code.