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Everything posted by texscottyd

  1. Is that the OEM wheel color with a rim tape stripe? It looks more of a bronze color than my stock grey FJ wheels…
  2. This seemed worthy of a share: I just picked up a pair of Michelin Road 5s for $320 plus tax. That works out to $353.17 all-in delivered to my door in Texas. EBay has a 20% off tire promotion (use the code TIRESMC23) on top of sales prices from certain vendors. I got them from the seller oemcycles that accepted the coupon code, and it nets back to $320.15 for the pair. They aren’t the newest Road 6, but for the money I couldn’t pass them up. Happy shopping!
  3. I’m surprised nobody has commented on this aspect of your situation. While something like a fuel delivery or vapor lock hiccup sounds unlikely, this does add credibility to the idea that something electrical in your startup procedure might have been BARELY in contact: Key, start/run switch, side stand safety switch, etc. You automatic ‘what the hell was that’ checks before restarting would have been enough to clear up the issue and let you resume normal operation. If it’s running fine again, and no sign of a repeat issue, I think you’re best to just let it go… You may never know, and it likely will never happen again. (But carry your cell phone, just in case… 😀)
  4. I’m pretty sure the HEL set reuses the factory hard lines, which means A LOT more fittings and relative pain & torture to fit. I recall someone doing it, and not feeling like the proverbial ‘view was worth the climb’
  5. @Dave Clark- Welcome! It looks like it’s been about a month, so I’m curious what you think of the FJ so far?
  6. FJ, Tracer, T9… we’re just a big international community!
  7. Thanks! I gotta admit, I was kinda proud of pulling that off successfully…
  8. I got REALLY lucky, honestly. Even though it happened a long way from home, I was able to come up with a route that didn’t require many stops. If it were in the city, with traffic, I never would have attempted to nurse it back home.
  9. And so it came to pass, after I became so confident of my new XR’s reliability, that I decided to take an extended ride… One ride of 100+ miles, and one mechanical failure. 😀 (Hey, it’s just teething pains when sorting out a 14 year old motorcycle, right?) A clutch cable decided it was no longer in the mood to participate in the fun, leaving me about 120 miles from home, and pondering what to do about my predicament. But momma didn’t raise no quitter, so I decided to just ride it home… I mean, who really NEEDS a clutch anyway? For future reference: It is impossible to find neutral in a Harley gearbox without a clutch, with the engine running. I plotted a route home that tried to minimize the need to come to a full stop, but there were still several times when it was unavoidable: Slowly roll to a near stop in first gear, thumb the kill switch to shut off the motor, find neutral with a dead engine, restart, then ‘paddle and stomp’ when it was time to get rolling again. Not elegant, but I made it home intact. There were a couple of I’ll just low-speed cruise the parking lot moments when I mistimed the lights, but stubbornly refused to quit rolling… good times! 🤘 My driveway has never looked so inviting: In the H-D’s defense, my FJ did exactly the same thing to me once before, so… 🤷‍♂️
  10. That’s a Cal Sci tinted shorty. I like the looks, and it works well with the lower bar risers I use. The airflow is smooth, and nicely balances the slightly more pronounced forward lean with this ergonomic layout. It’s almost like I’m trying to convert my FJ back to its FZ9 roots: smaller screen, no hand guards, lower bars, etc.
  11. Same photo opportunity, spiritually different ride. Life is good… 😀 -Scott
  12. Say no more; I like you already. 😀 Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on the new T9 GT! It’s a fantastic choice, and I’m sure you’re going to love it.
  13. Some of the strangest national weather patterns I’ve seen…. 🤷‍♂️ That said, I’m going riding! 😀
  14. State inspection and tag renewal… boring stuff, but you can always take the long way home! 😀 The inspector actually did me a solid, and passed me after quietly pointing out ‘off the record’ that my license plate light is out… sometimes it’s just your lucky day.
  15. Welcome, and congratulations on the new-to-you Tracer GT!
  16. Nothing too complicated. I had to draw a lot of fluid through to get everything flowing cleanly, but the system bleeds like any conventional non-ABS hydraulic brakes. It’s worth ‘triggering’ the ABS manually on a ride, then giving a final bleed to make sure there aren’t any rogue air bubbles lingering in the system.
  17. There’s some information I was completely unaware of previously: a unique swingarm for police model bikes. Who knew? 🤷‍♂️ 95 mm is about 3.75 inches… that is a huge difference! I’m glad you’re happy with the results; I don’t think I would be brave enough to take that big of a swing at it.
  18. The FJ-09 Suspension sub-forum has a bunch of information gathered over the years of member’s suspension upgrade successes. It’s interesting to note that I’ve never heard of anyone regretting it after the fact… there’s just so much room for improvement from the stock components. The older the bike, the greater the gain, as Yamaha did improve the suspension somewhat as the models evolved. Here’s an older post describing my thoughts of the Ohlins shock & RaceTech forks I did on my 2015 FJ: You profile photo suggests you’re exactly the kind of guy that would benefit from some suspension $$$ 😀
  19. Granted, some revolutions are better executed than others… 🤷‍♂️
  20. @2NDCHILDHOOD - Can you elaborate a bit on exactly what that is? I’m intrigued…
  21. And once again, Texas maintains its independence… 😀
  22. I use these Kathy’s Journey liners in my FJ09 cases, and they work perfectly. They’re beautifully made, highly functional, and designed to specifically fit the odd shape of the Yamaha city cases, which share the same body as the FJR case. https://kathysmotorcyclebags.com/product/case-liners-for-the-yamaha-fjr1300/ (Note that the case shape changed radically with the new T9, so these would not fit for that application) EDIT: …which looking at your profile picture appears to be what you have. Sorry, but I don’t think this will work for you.
  23. Hi @Darren69 - I have the Galfer lines on my FJ, and they work exactly as they should. A bit tedious to fit, but not difficult. Others have had great luck with Spiegler.
  24. Absolutely. I had my 2015 FJ done (by 2WDW), and it made a big difference in ‘ridability’ even with everything else stock. It cleaned up the abrupt on/off throttle fueling, and made A Mode an absolute joy to ride. Mine defaults to start in A Mode now, and I never seem to switch out of it. Only caveat: If you have a newer bike, the improvements may be less pronounced. The first year bikes were known for being a bit off from the factory, but that has supposedly improved with the newer bikes. (EDIT: I just noticed this is the 900 GT forum, so maybe someone can chime in with their experience specifically for the model)