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Recruiting a couple new moderators. Anyone interested?

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Ok, first off, I'm sad to say that it's a non paying gig. So, there are no set hours.
Good news is, you are already on the forum. And, if you are on the forum daily, I'd love to hear from you if interested.
More good news, we have a really good group of caring riders on here. As an Admin, I feel lucky to have such cool people on here always helping ea other out.
We hardly ever have to step n an ban anyone. It's like only once in a while when someone tries to spam, or get argumentative and ignore warnings. I think we have banned like 10 people in almost three years.
We help answer questions. We welcome new members. And we invite FJ-09 owners when we see them on youtube or facebook, to come join our community here.
I have given some moderators glowing job references, its the least I can do.
so, if you can be on the forum 2-3 times a day for a few mintutes ea visit, are willing to scan down thru recent posts and look for threads to move, or questions to answer once in a while, please send me a pm and we'll talk.
The forum needs more eyes on it during the day when I am at work and can't check in.
thanks for considering!
Rob AKA Cruizin
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