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Windows users, there are some new risks that blow my mind

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I can't go into specific details, and heck, alot of the details wouldn't make sense to alot of people.
But Windows 10 is broken. And there are alot of issues with Windows 7 , windows 8, and if you are still using Windows XP you should just paint your social security number and credit card numbers on your car and drive around in plain sight.
Mac users, you have some secrutiy flaws too. But not even close to as bad as Windows users, even windows 10 users.
Ok first, download Malwarebytes free edition here http://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes/3000-8022_4-10804572.html?hlndr=1&lang=es
Why? Every single IT pro in the world uses this to scan for malware and to remove it. It usually removes most of the malware, sometime you need more, but this is the best start.
Forget your antivirus. Dont delete it, but now days antivirus pretty much is an alarm that tells you that you infected already, after the fact.
After running malwarebytes, go here and read and follow the instructions https://blog.sucuri.net/2017/06/personal-security-guide-windows-and-macos.html
I adivse to format your computer using their instructions. I also advise you to heed their warnings about Microsoft Office, get rid of it and replace it with Libre Office. It works freaking great and is alot more secure. Microsoft Office is not secure. It hasn't been secure for a long time.
Report back here afterwards. My gut feeling is that maybe 1/4 of you will actually do this. That's ok. Hackers need to make a living too. O_o
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Now for those who have done everything above, and your machine is now alot more secure, it's time to secure your WiFi.
Go here, read and follow the instructions. https://blog.sucuri.net/2017/05/personal-security-guide-network-connection.html
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  • Premium Member
Thanks for the info. I've been better in the past - using AdAware and another program. Over time, I haven't kept up with it. I did some of the recommended updates, but I really don't want to take the time and risk to reformat the computer. I have had the local computer service company clean it up. They haven't found anything dangerous.
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