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There is a Transportation Museum in Owl's Head, Maine.  That's just South of Rockland in the Midcoast area for those that know Maine.
They have themed shows most weekends in the Summer.  I rode down today for the Antique Trucks and Tractors show.
The most direct route is via Coastal Route 1.  The last 40 miles or so is bumper to bumper with tourists at this time of year, making for a less than joyous ride.  Still, I slogged through and pulled into the parking area at the museum.
Show was last weekend...
Ah well.  Seeing as I had an unexpected few hours to burn, I checked the phone for alternate routes and went about 20 miles out of my way on the way back.  Really nice 2 lane blacktops out through pond country.  Limited speeds, highest I saw posted was 45, but NO stop-and-go traffic, so it was actually about the same elapsed time and a lot more fun.
There's an antique motorcycle show in September, this time I'll write the date down.
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  • Premium Member
Well time on the bike is worth more than doing just about anything else, so you still won!, But I feel your pain....
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I have a friend here is Oz that calls his bike "The Shrink" for that simple reason if helps him clear his mind and get life at times back in perspective.  That time on the bike is worth more than the "just" sitting in traffic as David pointed out.
Has saved him $$$ in therapists bills and he gets to see some wonderful countryside and even like you phpaul find some hidden gems.
Win, win!!

Kimmie......the lady who likes to take little detours :)

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Well, I'm 0 for 2...
Rode down again today to check out the Wings and Wheels show as they had a B17, a B25 and a P51 there and I am a HUGE fan of WWII aircraft.
I checked my DeLorme maps of the area and sketched out a route that avoids all but one short section of Coastal Route 1, aka The Worlds Longest Tourist Parking Lot.
The route worked out very well, nice roads, gorgeous scenery, very little to no traffic.
Started getting close to the entrance of the Museum and noticed cars parked along side the road and fields on both sides of the road full of cars. Got to where I could see the entrance road and the line to get in was all the way out to the main road. The entrance road is ~ half a mile long!
Yeah....uhhhh...NOPE! Hung a u-turn and headed home. I can, with some effort, tolerate crowds for the right reward, but I don't do lines. Especially whist carrying my helmet and riding gear. Nope. Ain't gonna happen.
I never was blessed with much in the way of patience, and what little I might have had was burned out of me by 22 years in the military and another 15 in the fire service. I'm the world's fastest waiter: I'm all done waiting long before most people even get started.
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