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If you refer to my now related thread 
You will see I have an issue that may have triggered my display to go crazy today...
I checked the TB sync again (I have hoses plumbed to the TB ports that allows me to connect my mercury vacuum gaugewithout touching anything but my hoses) to see if it indicated any vacuum leaks and it was near perfect.
I again adjusted the APE CCT when coldish and it was close to when last set hot.
I have made 2 test rides of about 60 miles each, 1 in cooler temps and another +80; I confirm the mild surging and idle drop stutter had not changed but it ran very well.  Certainly much better than before I adjusted the very tight valves, adjusted the APS, and changed the plugs and air filter.
My only answer to chase is the cam chain is off maybe 1 tooth on the intake or exhaust or both.
But even though it was hotter than Hades today and a bit of tropical jungle as the cherry, I got up and was on the rode by 0730 to beat the heat for a 200 mile test ride.
All was the same surging and stutter wise but it ran well and had a engine temp well within norm for such a toasty morning.
I went north up 94-294 into SE WI toward LaGrange - Eagle villeburghs.  Once on Racine Co J just north of 11 east of Burlington, somehow the throttle was rotated backward until 114 mph was last noticed on the display.
Then it happened...
The speedo and tack disappeared and the TCS light went on, and the right display became one screen with "Ctemp Hi".
I stopped as soon as I could but heard nor felt anything untoward that I can recall.  Bear in mind this was at speed and out of the blue and my brain was approaching poached.
After discovering nothing amiss other than the instrument brainfart, I u-turned back southward, and about a mile down the 2-lane tarmac at a typical Wisconsin rural road barren intersection between farm fields was the newish Harley type bar at J & 11.
I pulled up near the door front door hoping for some free AC but it was dark and locked.  So I took off my matching red Kabuto Ibuki, stripped off my mesh jacket, and took a break with some water and Ibuprofen.
I waited maybe 5 minutes and fired up the motor to readjust the CCT once more hot with the clutch pulled-in, as it is much easier then to hear the rattle of chain mechanisms.
I hadn't needed to as it was in a good place.  The displays were unchanged and could not be affected by any button pushing.
So I decided to continue south given it ran OK and made no ugly sounds, AND it was very hot and only going up from there.
Now it gets weirder...
The speedo and tack, and the normal right display would intermittently come back.  Upon seeing the temp was normal, I moved along nicely and I got the hang of maintaining speeds between 70 and 40 when the display went mazow; which was the majority of the ride home.
Again, the bike ran fine.  If it was in limp mode it runs about the same as my flashed ECU with the CO sensor out of the loop so to speak.
Did I mention it was hot, very hot and humid, and dazzlingly sunny.
I haven't taken any photos or a video of the display but I maybe still can; although when I got close to home on surface streets at lower speeds the display came back if I remember until I pushed inside my air conditioned, carpeted and well appointed shop and grabbed a cold bottle of agua out of the fridge.
I've since checked the manual and nothing I can find covers anything that discusses or shows such an event.
Any input is welcome.
One more time, the engine sounds and runs with what seems fairly normal running parameters, and vibration was never felt to be other than I'm used to.
Qualifier: I find my FJ-09s vibration to be very acceptable, very smooth and fine-pitched.  Easily tolerable for multiple long days.  Now I did fit, shorten and install lower and more swept-back tapered aluminum handle bar which I packed with BBs.  The overall assembly's mass includes the OEM controls, KTM Adventurer hand guards and nylon bar end sliders, with Grip Puppies on the OEM heated grips.  In fact, I catch myself doing near 80 in 4th gear until I notice, even today before the event.
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Uh, no, reread my post. When the display popped back to normal intermittently, the temp was within good operational perameters and ran well...
Again, not a mechanic, but if your display popped back to normal “intermittently”, it wasn’t popping back to normal. I could be completely off, but when things get too hot, they don’t always behave the way they should be.
Is it fine now?
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@2and3cylinders - Have you contacted the person that did the ECU flash for you?  I read back through both of your threads, and all the clues seem to me to point towards a reflash ECU issue.  I would assume that the flash process is binary:  Either it worked or it didn't, so I admit that you having one-off problems is very odd.   But, the 114 mph 'trigger' you mention is exactly the point where the stock ECU programming pulls the plug on the top speed, and the fan temperature settings are one of the things that are usually altered with a flash.  I also know that the ECU receives lots of input from the TCS via the wheel speed sensors (for example, apparently the stock ECU only allows 102 mph rear wheel speed on a dyno, due to the lack of input from the stationary front wheel)...  it all seems interrelated.
I realize this doesn't really help you troubleshoot, but I do concur that this sounds more of an electrical/programming issue that anything mechanical.  Good luck... I'll be curious to hear what you find out. 
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But, the 114 mph 'trigger' you mention is exactly the point where the stock ECU programming pulls the plug on the top speed, and the fan temperature settings are one of the things that are usually altered with a flash.
I am surely no expert on this, but that sounds like a very reasonable conclusion, a good point to start troubleshooting.

***2015 Candy Red FJ-09***

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Is that really someone wearing a balaclava in the first photo, on a hot humid and sunny day ?

Red 2015 Tracer, UK spec (well, it was until I started messing with it...)

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I forgot to mention that when this event initially occurred, the Engine symbol light also came on. After I stopped and restarted I cannot remember when it went off for the rest of the ride with only the TCS light staying on with the Speedo and Tach dead and the Ctemp Hi light on in the right window with the instruments returning to normal intermittently until I got off 94 in Skokie.
Yesterday I started it up and the display was normal. I warmed it up and the fan seemed to go on around 204 and off around 195, just where Dave at Vcyclenut set it along with removing the top speed limiter of 114. I did tighten the APE CCT by about 1/2 ~ 5/8 of one full rotation (turn). I never force or over-tighten things and maybe I had the cam chain a bit loose but hopefully not enough to permit it to skip (another) sprocket tooth. The engine seemed quieter afterward and run normally, albeit unfortunately still surging and exhibiting the idle drop stutter I am going to take off the cam cover again and check everything plus run a vacuum leakdown test and maybe a compression test.
I have not spoken to Dave yet about this event but did discuss the surging and idle drop stutter with him (and the suspected cam mark alignment difficulty) before this event. Dave could not offer any suggestions and apparently is not familiar with the CP3 engine. I will contact him about the event.
PS, the guy wearing the balaclava is bald and weird and wears one over ear buds and when temps dont warrant it but the date the photo was taken was not last Father's Day and it could have been on the cool side.
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I have not spoken to Dave yet about this event but did discuss the surging and idle drop stutter with him (and the suspected cam mark alignment difficulty) before this event. Dave could not offer any suggestions and apparently is not familiar with the CP3 engine. I will contact him about the event.

As far as I know he owns and fitted a turbo to a FZ-09... I'd say he's familiar with the CP3. 
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I have not spoken to Dave yet about this event but did discuss the surging and idle drop stutter with him (and the suspected cam mark alignment difficulty) before this event. Dave could not offer any suggestions and apparently is not familiar with the CP3 engine. I will contact him about the event. 

As far as I know he owns and fitted a turbo to a FZ-09... I'd say he's familiar with the CP3. 
When I spoke to Dave he said he was not familiar with adjusting the valves and the crank-cam timing marks; i.e., cams are removed at 120 BTDC on #1.  And the punch mark in the cams aligning with the marks on the cam bearing journal caps. 
I will call him to see what he can make of this event as to whether the 114 mph was a trigger or just a coincidence.
I was going to send him back the ECU to increase the rate of throttle acceleration in the first 20% in Mode A and a bit more in STD; so it may be time now...
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