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Everything posted by huck

  1. A good time was had by all! As always, thanks. Keith for starting this custom. And good for you Salish900, for risking life and limb riding to far Newberg from Olympia in dead of winter, and joining Keith and I in what has been a pretty exclusive, last day of the year tradition, that was all our own for the last few years. As it turned out, the weather was fine, with only a few drops of rain here and there along each of our routes. See See Motor Cafe was a fine destination with good coffee and outside table that allowed for proper physical distancing, and socializing. I hope you all had a good day as well and can find the time to join us on the last day of next year... And while I'm at it. Here's hoping for better new year for all of you and your families!
  2. Sister lives in France, Daughter in Scotland... Love to visit them and have them here whenever possible. Sadly not possible right now. Will settle for a visit with moto friends in Newberg for now! Raining like stink where I am right now, but the weather gurus claim Thursday will only have occasional showers and "Possible rain". But as any North-westerner knows that is always a safe thing to say any day of the year! I look forward to seeing you hardy all weather riders for a socially distanced lunch Tomorrow. We can all discuss GoreTex and heated gear, and why we wear glove gauntlets inside of the jacket cuffs in the rain---Hey, you learn stuff like that when you have to ride in the rain often.
  3. OK, see you there... Come on you hearty Northwestern riders, around here if you don't ride in the rain you don't ride! That will be the very last chance you have to ride in 2020, don't miss the chance.
  4. Here are two configurations I use. Generally, either of my top cases live on the bike all the time along with the tank bag. I really like my old GIVI lockable top case because it is... Well, lockable. So around town I can stash my helmet, gloves and sometimes a riding jacket when off the bike, and it can carry two shopping bags of groceries. I like the RKA 60 Ltr expandable panniers (And RKA tank bag) for their light weight, expandable options, and well engineered secure fitment. They are pretty water tight, but I use waterproof stuff bags for the stuff I carry in them on trips anyway . They come off the bike easily to be carried into motels, etc. I have never had any problem due to having a top box. I have heard of damaged sub frames, but I have never experienced it with any bike. Nor have I had serious instability at speed. When traveling for biz I sometimes use my GIVI Roller Bag which contains my computer and other office necessaries. (I note they do not make this anymore (Too bad, it is really nice), but do make a roller bag attachement gadget to mount on lockable top cases that also snaps on the GIVI rack-very cool) I have used top cases on all my bikes for as long as I can remember. I agree that they make a bike look like one of those jumbo flying radar planes, but I use my bike every day, and the top box adds the practicality I need without interfering with the fun and pleasure of riding. In fact, I think it adds to it.
  5. I depend on my bikes, and want them available and reliable all the time. I am also a frugal as the next guy. I normally stick to fully warrantied batteries and indeed, plug into a battery tender whenever parked at home in the garage. My batteries last at least 5 years, and as long as 7. A couple of my Battery Tenders are over 20 years old. Given the longevity of batteries and Battery Tenders, I think that I am using an inexpensive option, likely the most inexpensive option. As well, battery changes at longer intervals and proven reliability. It takes exactly 2 seconds to plug in the tender and only one second to unplug. Very little effort for such reliability and longevity. It is comforting to see the little green Battery Tender lights in the garage announcing the eagerness of the bikes to unhook and hit the road. I will note that if you buy at Batteries Plus store (batteries and Battery Tenders), you get a good price, a warranty, and a 10% discount on your next purchase. [I am not affiliated in any way with Batteries Plus-except as a satisfied customer]
  6. Ahh, Newberg, and a funeral for the outgoing year... Not a bad idea to see the old year out and celebrate the new one coming along. As I get older I try to ignore anniversaries of any kind that remind of my advancing years--- but they seem to happen anyway, so why not enjoy them with like minded nut cases that ignore terrible weather in aid of some motorcycle seat time, and the possibility of some bench racing, gawking at other bikes, and likely this year, a gourmet bag lunch. I'm in.
  7. Yo Keithu, Sorry for the late response. I am a definite definite and all three sound good to me. Given what is going on we likely will be bag lunching it, so maybe a place with some sort of shelter --- See See in Newberg at least has tables with umbrellas, and who knows, they may be open by then? Or, if the umbrellas will be open if they are closed? Ocean side has historical significance, but I can't remember any shelter except the public rest rooms. Given the likelihood of sketchy weather, either Oceanside or Newberg are easiest for me, but I am game for whatever becomes consensus. Thanks for continuing the tradition.
  8. I lived up there, In Truckee, in the 70's and 80's. Riding and climbing in the summer, skiing in the winter, and trying to fit in work. I certainly enjoy living in the PNW now, but miss living in the mountains. Can't say I really miss digging out of the ten foot snow dumps, but I was much younger then...
  9. Yep, waiting on notification regarding a possible Tracer SP with all the new spec. (With an enclosed rectifier of course), Oh hell, someone will make an after market unit... I bought a hugger, I guess I could suck up a rectifier cover if I had to.
  10. The Passenger Heated Gloves ... These come from Warm N Safe. Very high quality maker.
  11. Yep, I have done this little mod to every bike I have owned since the advent of the modern filler tube "Limiter". I can't even remember who showed it to me. A few common sense things to consider though. Use a punch not a drill so as to avoid filings. I do three medium holes, and that works fine. YMMV. I also use a gadget that holds back the rubber cuff on the pump handle if there is one, so as to be able to control the flow at the top. Even with the relief holes, you must fill slowly. Of course, do not fill to the limit on the center stand and then park on the side stand. You will loose what you have gained quickly. Do not fill to the top on very hot days if you are not "In transit" - I only fill to the top if I am going to get back on and ride a distance. Parking, even on the center stand on a hot day, the gas will expand and exit through the overflow tube, that is why the limiter is there of course. I have never had a problem related to this little mod except a sore butt from staying in the saddle too long. * I have no financial relationship to any hole punch or nail set manufacturer.
  12. Thanks, found them on Ebay, apparently LighTech knockoffs, for under $45 dollars USD. The LighTec units are $260.00 USD. Wow, that is such a significant difference I wonder about QC. How are yours working our and holding up? Rear Chain Adjusters Tensioners For YAMAHA FZ-09 MT-09 Tracer FJ-09 XSR900 RN29 For YAMAHA FJ-09,MT-09 Tracer,XSR900 2014-2019...
  13. fddriver2, which chain adjuster set are you using. They look very effective and perhaps easier and more accurate to use? Oh, and cool that you have two identical bikes!🤪
  14. I live in the NW and ride in the rain all the time. When I first got the bike I found the stock hugger to be almost useless, and mud and road crap was a constant issue. I got the R&G hugger because it looked like the best length and fit available, and as you can see from this picture, it looks fine. It works very well, and keeps the bike relatively road splatter free. It was a bit more expensive than some of the others, but It fit perfectly, and has been there for over 50K miles and still looks brand new. I am sure there may be others that do the job, but I feel I am getting my moneys worth.
  15. Yo Chris, I used to spend a lot of time up your way riding there, and climbing and skiing on Mt Ranier. But I know that I haven't seen half of it. When this "Situation" cools down and we can travel freely again, I'll take you up on it! Thanks again. Victor
  16. Hi Betoney, I have, but not for years. Thanks for reminding me as that is a ride that clearly should be done more than once.
  17. Thanks for all the updates. those roads, 25 and 99, have been deteriorating for years, and the "Repairs" which are now simply a dump of gravel into a sink hole are no fun at all. I do love it up there and don't mind going slow if necessary, but freely admit I loved riding those roads fast in the past... and sincerely hope there are funds available to fix those roads someday. It is unfortunate how much deferred maintenance is happening in our forests and parks. I really love the National Parks, and Monuments and happily carry a life time pass. Those places are one of the most wonderful things in our country, and I never fail to be happy when I visit one. A couple of years ago I went to visit my sister who lives in the Coachella Valley. My ride took me through Crater Lake and Joshua Tree. The visit before that it was Yosemite, and Manzanar (That was a truly disturbing visit), and Death Valley. I was planning another visit later in the fall when the weather cools a bit, but that may not be possible under the current conditions, and also, she is a geriatric nurse and does not want me or any other family members near her for the time being. So, interesting places close to home are what's up. I am thinking of riding out to central OR, and visiting the John Day Fossel beds area instead of the now designated roads 25 and 99 ADV route. Oh well, the Weather Guru's are trying to conjure up rain for Friday anyway, so maybe that is a sign. And thanks daboo, the west entrance ride is still a possible, but I agree there are many other rides available.
  18. Indeed, it used to be an awesome sport ride, but maybe it is has succumbed to fashion and moved on the ADV!
  19. Yikes, that sounds ominous. I did not ride up there three years ago, and last year I was turned back by a white out, not too far above the snow gates. Damn, I really want to do that ride and also to see the progress of the regrowth, but your recent experience does not sound like much fun. I hate deep gravel. Thanks Kithu, time to reconsider. And yes, that was once an epic ride.
  20. Yikes, and damn! I am clearly aging ungraciously, clearly my mind is going... Maybe I did actually miss that whole decade... Likely it was because my mind was rattled by hitting those frost heave bumps? OK, here goes again--- Slightly over 40 years ago when I was misplacing entire decades...
  21. I used both Honda ST1100s and Yamaha FJR1300s before acquiring my FJ-09 in '15. I loved those previous bikes, particularly the FJRs, which consider the most sorted out and, for my purposes, the best ever. However, as I age ungraciously, I want and need a lighter bike. I freely admit the FJ (MT, Tracer) is not in the same class of power, fit and finish, or ease of use (Shafty). But, I have used this one for over 50K as both a daily rider and my LD bike. Indeed, I did the usual replacements of suspension, seat, windshield and a bunch of other personal things, that I have always done even on the FJRs, as sorted out as they are, because we mostly all like to personalize or "Improve" our bikes. and indeed, it is not in the bigger bike, 2-up comfort category for many. But, the light weight weight, agility, extremely spirited engine, makes this just right for me for both daily riding and long distance riding. It was indeed done with a bargain price in mind, so it is not a hardship to modify it to one's own requirements. For instance, because I like to keep the weight down I use soft Panniers, but a lockable top box so as to have at least one place to lock things in. I like the Madstad windshield, and the KTM hand guards, but there are many other choices. I like the Dunlop Roadsmart tire range, but the choices are dizzying. All in all this is a bike that can easily be modified to fit one's personal wants and needs, and still be reasonably inexpensive. the short answer to your question though is at least for me, this is a good LD mount.
  22. Normally, about every 20,000 mi. The maker of your pipe may have a kit, and there are many aftermarket products available. Some units require drilling out and replacing pop rivets, etc. Do some research, this is not an unusual issue and plenty of info is available, with even more opinion than there is about motor oil! Do wear rubber gloves, and even cover your mouth when opening up the can as they can be full of toxic dust including fiber glass. Do your best to contain the stuff, it is not pleasant - sort of like cleaning a chimney. I have done it many times, but common sense has finally caught up with me and I now stay with the stock (No glass pack!) units and, at least for me, the ensuing quiet is welcome... Just my opinion, not casting judgement. I rode with aftermarket pipes for over 40 years, repacked all of them several times, and indeed, I enjoyed the whole experience. Just not anymore. The first time takes some fun research, and a bit of fiddling, and likely a dusty surprise when you open it up the first time, but if the looks and sound are worth it to you (it was to me for a long time), go for it. After a few times it becomes a doodle.
  23. A little over thirty years ago Mt St Helens blew its top in an epic steam explosion. For those of us living in the Pacific North west, it was a life changing event... to say the least. Everyone I know has a story to tell, all a little different, but all sharing in that amazing and terrifying event. For those of us living among, skiing on and climbing the volcanos of the PNW, this awesome and catastrophic event was something that will never be forgotten, and for some of us, still being experienced though visiting the mountain. I try to ride up to Windy Ridge interpretive site, where the road now ends near the bottom of the vast crater, and near the slowly regenerating Spirit Lake. I have missed a few years, because of late snow, white outs, and sometimes because of work obligations, but in other years I have been up there more than once. The first time I made the ride I was overwhelmed by the devastation, but in every year since, the regeneration and regrowth has been wonderful and exciting to see. The roads up there, Forest Roads 25 and 99, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, are... sometimes problematic. They are not plowed during the winter and the snow can be seriously deep, and road repair funds are scarce. The good parts are seriously great riding, the tough parts are seriously crappy and bumpy, and in some cases can be challenging and even dangerous. But the riding, the scenery, and the the opportunity to see this historic event, on a motorcycle still unfolding, not in a closed in cage, is not to be missed. A few friends and I will be riding up there, we bring bag lunches and water as nothing is available, on Friday, the 21st. We would love to see you there. For those that don't know the route, it starts at the town of Carson (Gas up there), just off WA 14, Columbia River Hwy, just east of Stevenson, directions here: Gifford Pinchot National Forest - Windy Ridge Interpretive Site The weather Gurus claim it will be a good day and baring road washouts, whiteouts, and Big Foot attacks it should be fun and as always, interesting. I hope to see you there.
  24. Interesting, How did it effect the performance in lower gears, particularly in gear changes during spirited riding?