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Everything posted by racreative

  1. Sorry for asking this... but how do I use the rebates listed above? I have never purchased tires online are these for a specific website? I have always purchased from local shops.
  2. 1979 YZ80 •|• 1986 BW80 •|• 1989 IT200 •|• 1985 XL600 •|• 1983 Vision 550 •|• 2005 Vulcan Classic 800 •|• 2009 FZ6R •|• 2011 CRF45R •|• 2015 FJ09
  3. Welcome! Congrats on the new bike @FJDaddy
  4. Couldn't help myself from creating the visual when you said, " one knee replacement away from a hi-viz aerostich"...
  5. There was a little congestion. I have definitely seen worse. Mostly high school kids in their "Fast and Furious" cars. I think leisurely weekend drives may still be out of budget for a lot people right now. I am sure that as temps raise in the valley more people will start to seek the cool mountain temps.
  6. We wanted to continue on through the Mountain range but ran out of light. Plans had been to continue up the backside of Idyllwild and come out in Anza. @betoneyLet me know if you make a trip down here, could plan a ride for sure.
  7. Took advantage of the recent loosing up on the stay home orders or as I prefer to reference it: "House Arrest". Wife and I took a nice ride yesterday on Highway 18 from Lake Silverwood, along the Rim of the World to Big Bear Lake, and then dropped down Highway 38 to Redlands. One hundred miles of twisty mountain road that climbs to about 8500 feet at its summit. Perfect temperature. We took a few pictures along the way. Finally had some businesses open, however, it is still weird out. It is surreal seeing everyone in masks, people jump if you accidentally get to close and plexiglass barriers at every store register. It is like the biggest and longest game of cooties ever played!
  8. I actually kind of the like the burnt orange too. It is different. Would definitely need to put dingos on the front forks to cover the gold.
  9. Thank you. It is a small section probably not a huge need to go with an 80/20. I guess I like the look of the more aggressive tires, even though it would likely be over-kill. Either way thank you for the reply @betony
  10. I am In need of new tires. I live about 3 miles out on rough washboard, with soft sand and gravel patched roads. If I had to break down my riding into percentages I would say, 10% dirt, 50% canyon carving & 40% Freeway/ Urban. Does anyone have any advice on tires. I am looking into the above mentions. I need a tire that grips in dirt and can hold a corner yet still be confortable for long distance riding. Sort of an All-terrain tire.
  11. I agree a great stretch on the CA Coast. We first went to the Wedge on Balboa Peninsula. Beach was closed, so we headed north. Huntington and Sunset were both open. I bet that was a great area to go to Highschool. I was closer to Oceanside, so my childhood was spent at South Jetty and Carlsbad. Would never know there was a pandemic, in Huntington. looked like spring break (except all the parking lots were roped off - no parking). I saw only a few people wearing masks and nobody was practicing social distancing. Brought me back to the "good ol' days" way back in 2019". I think they just closed all the OC beaches this week. However, SD is still open.
  12. Unfortunately, after researching my helmet and new visors, I discovered my current helmet is not pinlock compatible. I do have a chin skirt, I will remove it and see if it helps any. Also will look into the Invision insert option. Thank you for the advise!
  13. I am also curios about the clarity. I where glasses too, so This would be 3 layers of plexi. If they are easy enough to install, I might keep the pinlock in my visor bag and only use it when the conditions require.
  14. I am looking now. That is a great suggestion! Thank you. Feel kind of silly asking now. Most of my riding has always been in hot dry climates. Thank you very much!
  15. Went for a ride last weekend to Huntington Beach and rode up PCH to Seal Beach. Ran into a little fog on the ride up the coast. My face-shield acted like a magnet and attracted the moister in the air. Even at 55mph + the moister was having trouble running off my helmet. This also caused my breathing to steam up the inside glass. Anyone have good advice for riding in rain, fog etc.? I have tried rainX. It does help to some degree, however only on the exterior, used shaving cream on the inside of visor and anti fog products. None of them truly work well. I typically ride with my helmet cracked to allow more air to flow which does help some with the fogging. Just asking the community if you have any suggestions or tricks that work. Was even considering buying a snowmobile helmet, they are made for riding in these types of scenarios.
  16. I agree, I like having a bike that is not extremely common. I found it while watching YouTube bike reviews. I have always ridden Yamaha. Started out with a YZ80, BW80, IT200, VISION, FZ6R and finally the FJ09. With a sprinkling of other makes. So far my favorite bike!
  17. Here in Southern California, there are not a lot of FJ09's or Tracers on the road... but I do typically see at least one or two when we are riding Angeles Crest or Rim of the World. In the IE we are surrounded by 1%'ers. They tend to be more visible on the freeways and surface roads, not too often on the twisties. I see more sport bikes, adventure bikes and a sprinkling of cruisers in the mountains. Not to mention the LA hipster "squads" on HWY2 coming up from the valley riding their custom vintage bobbers and choppers wearing original 1980's open face helmets with sparkly racing stripes, scraggly beards, and wallet chains blowing in the wind. I was unaware converse made riding boots? Who knew? Yet, every time I see an FJ or Tracer, I wonder if they are members of this forum. I agree with @keithu, and their popularity is regional. I am thinking there are more in my area because Chapparel Motorsports had a robust non-moving inventory and started blowing them out a few years ago. I know my first choice was a Triumph Tiger, but it was a lot easier to get the green light from the wife on a 6K bike over an 18K one. I couldn't be happier with my purchase, either. I love my FJ. It is an awesome bike on the mountains, freeways, and is spectacular when loading up for multi-day travels with my wife.
  18. Yes. very simple installation and it wirelessly communicates with the digital monitor. Gives real time tire pressure and temperature. So far so good. Works very well. You can set alarms at specific pressures too. I have not yet gotten that deep into the programming, I am just happy knowing the pressure without having to manually check before each ride.
  19. I think it looks good on the bike. follows the lines of the tank nicely. How do you like the tank lock system? I just took off my strapped tank bag due to the pain it was every time I needed to gas up. Now I am running a small magnetic day pack. However, I know it will not be sufficient for travel.
  20. Installing a Wireless Tire Monitoring System from Amazon. I really like the ability in my truck to know at all times what my tire pressure is, so I found these on amazon and will be installing them today. Not sure if anyone else has used anything similar, but will give my review after a week or two of using them. https://www.amazon.com/Monitoring-monitoring-Motorcycle-Waterproof-Two-Wheeled/dp/B076KKYDRQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=tpms+tire+pressure+monitor+system+motorcycle&qid=1566670344&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExR1hDWlNEVkozM01RJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzM1MjM1MzM1TkoyQ0ZKN1VCNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTA4MDEyMzBEQzk1TUU2M00wSSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  21. I did choose to keep the Statue of liberty in the Tracer version, because the Tracer has replaced the FJ09 here in the states. I guess I could have left it off, but then the US Tracer owners would have felt left out...
  22. Thank you. I was just looking at some boots similar to these. They resemble the boots the Highway Patrol wear. I went down a few years ago and shaved down my ankle bone pretty good. I am a little subjective about foot and ankle protection than I used to be. Right now I wear Joe Rockets Big Bang boots and they are comfortable for riding but extremely heavy for hiking.
  23. Just finished Installing a surprise Christmas present! My wife had forgotten she bought me a Cortech 18Liter strap mount tank bag. Earlier tonight she found it in the closet while putting away clothes. Funny thing... I asked for the tank bag last year? I wonder how long it has been stashed away? 🤔 I should probably hunt around for that GoPro 4 I asked for 2 Christmas's ago...
  24. I am looking for a good pair of motorcycle boots that double as hiking boots. Does anyone have advice for either a good hiking boot that has a strong enough shank for riding or a good motorcycle boot that is comfortable to hike in? It would be nice to not have to change boots when we find hiking spots along rides. Any advice or suggestions would be grateful.