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Weak rear brakes?

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   I am new to the FJ about 500 miles now.  I noticed that the rear brakes are rather weak from what I am used to.  My question is this normal for the bike or is it just maybe cheap pads from the previous owner.  If it is normal what recommendations for a stickier rear pads.  Otherwise I will just replace them with a good quality replacement pads.    [ If I need to burn off a little speed just before corning I like using the rears brakes and It just seem to be way more effort than should be required.]

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Sounds like something might be off. While the brakes on the FJ09/Tracer aren't the absolute best they shouldn't be noticeably bad outside of a 2-up fully loaded situation. Stock pads are perfectly capable for the machine.

I'd bleed the lines to be sure there's no air in the system and replace the pads without a second thought. Piece of mind for your brakes working and your safety is priceless.

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When I moved to the tracer I found the rear brakes quite poor as well. Swapped for hh front and rear and that took care of it. I also use make my rear brake quite a bit for cornering and pretty much exclusively in town stop/go.

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I am not talking lots of speed.  I have found that using the rear with the way a bike suspension is set up that it also compresses the springs slightly so you can enter the corner tight. 

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I am not talking lots of speed.  I have found that using the rear with the way a bike suspension is set up that it also compresses the springs slightly so you can enter the corner tight. 

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  Thanks guys I will get some Hh pads and why I dont think there is air. I will bleed the brakes, in fact I was gonna to put new fluid in and purge the old fluid out later in the year. So I will just do that now. 

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New fluid and HH pads.......you'll be right as rain, and like you I also scrub speed off for corners using both brakes, however my rear even with stock pads works quite well.

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I followed Kevin in the Serria Neveda doing a ride of the passes. He set a very good pace. Seldom did his brake light come on. I even questioned him if his brake light was working. It was….. so why so little “braking” for the real good pace we were setting?

Engine braking……being in the  right gear at the right time in order to use engine braking to set corner speeds. 

There are two forms of braking…..the hydraulic brakes and engine braking. Learn to use the gears in order to use engine braking. It will enhance your riding.

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Not much engine braking on these cp3's if you've been tuned. As far as I know Bob from Kevin, he may be the bloke that runs 17/43 sprockets and keeps it under 6k. 😆

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Yes I do slow down with engine but with slipper clutch or maybe the FJ doesnt engine brake as well as I am used too. Anyway I like to be able to a good firm tap on rear brake as you are just getting to a long corner or switch back and notice the corner tightens quite a bit. 

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I replace all the brake fluid and it did not make any noteworthy improvement in breaking.  So yes the rear breaking on this FJ is weak. Next is the HH pads Some of you have talked about. 

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The Tracer engine has plenty of engine braking…..if you are in the right gear……meaning being up high in the rpm range. 

I seldom use the rear brake. No need to really. Ill use it in gravel, dirt, wet and for controlling speed for slow speed maneuvering such as in parking lots. 

For slow speed maneuvering, I set the throttle to a steady low rpm and then just use the rear brake to control slow speed instead of trying to do so with the throttle…….makes doing lock to lock figure eights a breeze. 

If ya put in HH and dont use them properly……you’ll get brake squeal.

But then again…….I can two finger brake with no problem with the stock front brakes…..and never have I needed more……for the street…….even at some of the speeds I carrying in the hills.

Engine braking is your friend…..


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