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New 900 GT Owner near Charlotte, NC


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Hi everyone,
I picked up what I think might be the first GT in the Charlotte area about 3 weeks ago and am loving it. Bone stock, but like most I'm going to have to do something about the seat and wind screen. Thanks to  another thread on here, I just ordered the Motodynamic tail light, and adaptor harness to keep the stock signals as well. I commute 80+ miles per day, so I really want every bit of visibility I can get. 
I'm looking forward to riding this new machine for many years, and learning what I can from the folks here. :)
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  • Supporting Member
Welcome to the forum, you picked a winner in the GT. I am pretty happy overall with the MRA screen from Twisted Throttle. Enjoy fitting your bike out!

He who dies with the most toys wins.

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