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Rukka vs Klim


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I'm looking to upgrade my Dianese air frame. I've narrowed it down to the Klim Induction or the Rukka Allair. Both are $$, but they use D3 armor and claim to flow well yet still be abrasion resistant. I can't really find any testing on either one, but I was curious if anyone has tried either, not sure how well the cordura aft really flows in the Rukka.
'15 FJ-09 with an aftermarket parts addiction
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I saw a bunch of protection pieces at Motoport. I didn't see any Klim jackets or pants though. Most of the jackets ripped ior split. I just bought another pant and jacket, $100 for both, at a swap meet that I need to get sized. When I go, I'll ask if they'll let me take pictures.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I ride a Klim Badlands suit. 100k miles. Fabulous ventilation and all weather protection. But it's certainly build for crashing in dirt. I had one minor crash at 20 mph entering a highway ramp in winter - abrasion went through the sleeve + pants were scuffed. Protectors are a bit loose (i am rather slim).
Klim just brought a touring version to market which has better impact protection at the critical points. I'll probably switch to it soon.
No experience with rukka.
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  • 6 months later...
I just bought a last year's model, Klim Latitude jacket. The quality and functionality of design is amazing. I've worn it plenty as a shell in winter, but not yet on the bike due to winter. I've slid in a prior Olympia jacket, from that experience I would say that any pressure point on the pavement you have will wear through unless you are wearing steel. In my case my weight was on my elbow which was on my chest. Despite wearing through you will be protected by the armor.
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