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Gas tank bracket question


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Hey guys and gals,
Just got a used 2016 FJ with 4300 miles and took off the tank for the first time to access the ecu. Upon removing I noticed that the L bracket At the rear of the tank wiggled when I grabbed it. These are the two screws that actually attach to the tank not the subframe. The screws seem tight but the bracket moves. Is that a normal design feature?
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Oh ok then nothing for me to worry about. Just got ecu flashed so headed home to put everything back together and see How much smoother the throttle will be.
I appreciate it. I don’t post much because I subscribe to the old “the person with the least knowledge should speak the least and listen the most” but I will definitely be on this site a lot reading, learning, And being entertained.
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  • Supporting Member
Hey guys and gals, 
Just got a used 2016 FJ with 4300 miles and took off the tank for the first time to access the ecu.
Dont forget, since you have a '16 model, you can adjust the APS for further smoothing of the on/off fueling. From the factory, most bikes are set to 17 and lowering that value to 12 or 13 DRAMATICALLY smooths out the throttle.  Give it a shot, its free.  If you hate it, just set it back to normal.

***2015 Candy Red FJ-09***

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  • Premium Member
Don't be afraid to ask questions. We're not going to blast the unholy phuck out of you for asking a question that has been brought up before. Typically... lol
Or you could use the search feature on the bar at the top of the screen (below the Red FJ-09.org emblem) 
I learned more using that than anything else. Bonus you don't have to wait for someone to read and post an answer to your questions. 90%+ of questions have already been asked/answered.
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