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Helmet Neck?

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I put ~200 miles on the FJ yesterday, Daughter, Grandson, his gal pal and I rode downstate to an antique motorcycle show.  Great ride, perfect weather (tad cool, but touring pants and leather jacket were just right), good show.
However, today I have a seriously sore/stiff neck, and I've noticed that is becoming a routine thing after any significant ride.  I'm guessing it's a result of bracing against the wind at 55/60 for a couple of hours at a whack.
I wear a Gmax modular, not especially heavy, reasonably aerodynamic.
I'm not sure if it's started happening since I took the windshield off, or it it's been a problem all along.  I've been doing a bit more riding lately, trying to get all the seat time I can in before the riding season ends for us spleeny sorts.  Once air temps drop below 50° I'm pretty much done other than the odd color tour.
Anybody else notice this?
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I put ~200 miles on the FJ yesterday, Daughter, Grandson, his gal pal and I rode downstate to an antique motorcycle show.  Great ride, perfect weather (tad cool, but touring pants and leather jacket were just right), good show. 
However, today I have a seriously sore/stiff neck, and I've noticed that is becoming a routine thing after any significant ride.  I'm guessing it's a result of bracing against the wind at 55/60 for a couple of hours at a whack.
I wear a Gmax modular, not especially heavy, reasonably aerodynamic.
I'm not sure if it's started happening since I took the windshield off, or it it's been a problem all along.  I've been doing a bit more riding lately, trying to get all the seat time I can in before the riding season ends for us spleeny sorts.  Once air temps drop below 50° I'm pretty much done other than the odd color tour.
Anybody else notice this?
Yes it could be from the wind especially if your getting buffeting for 200 miles, and it could also be from vibrations and rough roads, all those things give me a pain in the neck thanks to an old snowboarding injury. I paddled a kayak all day yesterday and my neck is sore from that now but I know it's not from the wind but more likely just being stuck in weird seated position all day. I do some yoga and neck stretching exercises and they help allot, the only other fix that I know is carry a large bottle of motrin. 
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My neck gets stiff/sore on extended rides unless I stretch it frequently during the ride. I always listen to music on trips, and I've gotten into the habit of looking as far as I can to the right and left at the beginning of each song. As long as I do that, I don't get sore regardless of how far I ride.
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The real problem is getting old. I ride less and less every year, just to avoid aches and pains.
As long as there's advil, bourbon and ginger ale... I'm pressing on....  :) 

"It doesn't matter who walks in, you know the joke is still the same"  Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. USA

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My neck and shoulder fatigue when the weather conditions are extremely bad...ie. xtreme wind & rain. 
I've found that without even realising you do naturally tense up (even if you are dry and warm. I wear Goretex KLIM and have a full heated suit). I have to remind myself to relax as I start to get a cramp otherwise. Stretching helps but it's all about removing that tenseness.

Kimmie......the lady who likes to take little detours :)

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