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Putting the FJ-09 down for the Winter

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  • Premium Member
Here in the state of Washington, it is now officially winter. The rain has arrived in full force, and the temperature has dropped below what I am willing to ride in. As I start to winterize my bike until Spring, I started to wonder whether I should clean/change the oil/filter/perform maintenance, and otherwise return my bike to pristine condition, or let it wait until Spring and do all that before I start riding again.
I've always waited until Spring, but I'm curious what all you more experienced folks recommend.
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I don't know if there's any scientific basis for it, but I always change the oil and filter on my equipment before I store it for the Winter.
My theory is that fresh oil is less likely to have acids in it that may affect seals and machined surfaces.
I used to take the battery out of everything as well, but with the modern "smart" battery tenders I no longer bother. This is especially true on the FJ where the battery is such a pain to take out. A properly charged battery won't freeze in the Winter temps we get here in Maine.
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I agree with Phpaul to change the oil & filter prior to winter storage.
Along with that I clean the bike and add fuel stabilizer to the fuel(also to have the fuel tank full). Put it on the center stand and put a bike cover over it.
Normally remove the battery and put it in the basement with a battery maintainer/charger periodically attached between a few other batteries.
When Spring arrives, it's ready to go.
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  • Premium Member
Thanks guys, last year I performed the following steps:
1) Remove the Corbin Seat - and disconnect the Seat heater connections on the battery
2) connected the Battery Tender directly to the battery
3) Put the seat back over the bike - but didn't latch it, it just sits loosely on the frame
4) I didn't touch the oil or filter (but I did change both before I started riding again in the Spring)
5) Put the bike on the center stand with a piece of cardboard under the front wheel
Left it alone, except to periodically check the tender to see that it was still working
I think maybe this year, I will change the oil and filter too. I guess clean oil won't go bad or do any harm in the bike, so I should be good to go come spring.
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I think maybe this year, I will change the oil and filter too. I guess clean oil won't go bad or do any harm in the bike, so I should be good to go come spring.
In fact it's better to change the oil before you put it to bed.  That way the bike sits with nice clean oil over the winter instead of dirty potentially contaminated oil. 
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dont forget to stuff a wad of tin foil in the exhaust pipe and stuff a rag into the intake snorkel on the airbox to keep them furry little gremlins out
2012 wr250f - C-class 30+ age group
2015 fz-07- Hordpower Edition-80whp
2015 fj-09- Graves Exhaust w/Woolich tune by 2WDW @120whp
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dont forget to stuff a wad of tin foil in the exhaust pipe and stuff a rag into the intake snorkel on the airbox to keep them furry little gremlins out
What a great tip, I never would have thought of that, but we have plenty of mice in our garage due to the woods all around our house. They could easily cause some damage. Just never thought about that before........
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I like to add my fuel stabilizer (sea foam) and make sure my fuel tank is filled right up. I like to put lumber under the wheels to keep it off the cement, but here in southern Ontario I still have a lot fall riding to do.
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  • Supporting Member
Here in the state of Washington, it is now officially winter. The rain has arrived in full force, and the temperature has dropped below what I am willing to ride in.

@David, you may be slightly premature with your winterizing.  Though this weekend it rain storm after rain storm, next weeks forecast looks very nice indeed, especially down in Central Oregon - Bend/John Day area expecting high 60's to low 70's.  I'm hoping to schedule another 2-day road trip into "Gods Country". 

***2015 Candy Red FJ-09***

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