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Everything posted by kilo3

  1. What are unnecessary things KTM owners buy for $800 Alex.
  2. Looks like an 80's jet ski, also this.
  3. Holy moly, that flew under my radar, ordering a set.
  4. Also the mounts are NLA and if you can find them on flea bay, they command a premium.
  5. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    I learned quickly I am no longer 16 years old, I'm about 1/4 speed through my old woods trails and I still have every inch/corner/rock memorized. 40's going to hurt next year. On the plus side, I've never experienced new full knob tires, only bald knob tires, because poor teenager. Wow does that make a difference. I could tractor in first just about anywhere I pleased.
  6. Real popular in Minnesota, they use stolen service vans. You can't leave a motorcycle out overnight in St Paul/Minneapolis, it will be gone before the sun goes down.
  7. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    You are correct, it's almost perfect.
  8. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    Yeah, then you have to insure it, get tabs, not a big deal but not worth it. I'll probably plate it before I sell it just for the extra $$ if it comes to that. We might even trade it in for two smaller bikes + cash. We'll see, taking it out this weekend to see if it's too much bike for me. It was just too good of a deal to let pass. I'm sure I could turn around and sell it next spring for 4.5k pretty quick.
  9. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    Well that just happened. Just got home with a 23' klx300r. I had no intentions of the 300 but it was sorta on my radar. I saw this particular bike price kept dropping on the Facebook really fast, guy started at 5.5k and dropped down to 3.7k all in a matter of days. Naturally I had to step in to stop the poor guys misery. I haven't stolen a bike before but this felt like it. Still has knubs on the tires for cripes sake.
  10. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    I guess the plus side is I can put collector plates on it in two years. 😄 I just don't see the value when I can get a 2023 klx230 out the door for 4k ish. On a side note, I sent the wife motorcycle shopping today, oh boy we're the quotes all over the place for out the door pricing. Between almost 2k price difference on a 23 klx300r depending where she went. 1.5k price difference on the 23 klx140rl. No idea how some of these dealers stay in business, maybe people don't cross shop? Low turnover but high margins I suppose. Pretty sure we are sticking with the 140 and 230 air cooled thumpers from the ditch booger company now. I'd really like some Honda's 125/250 but I don't have the clout to pull that off, they for sure charge a premium, but do offer at least a kick start option and efi on both models. I don't have the patience to deal with used shrewd Facebook/craiglist bottom feeders anymore.
  11. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    that would explain why i spent so much time in tree's and bushes as youngster
  12. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    Either way the suspension will have to be addressed. Are two strokes of today better than of 30 years ago? I mean I remember getting a season out of a jug/piston but that's about it. I really like want low maintenance which I was hoping out of a underpowered 4 stroke air cooled. Maybe I'm thinking wrong?
  13. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    The problem i Have with enduro's at least in mn is they hold their value like crazy, seems like everyone wants one. I just saw an 80's XT350 list for 3k... Pretty much anything that "could be" street legal without jumping through some hoops is priced almost what I'd pay new for a little smaller cc bike.
  14. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    Wayyyy out of budget and frankly no need, I'll maybe see 30-40 mph max on the trails I have and not a lot of elevation.
  15. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    That's the Enduro right? These will be strictly off road, the land of Minnesota really hates off road dirt bikes (ohm), so there isn't a lot of traversing between ridable areas. But yes the 230r version and the 300 of the klx are in question. We'll test the waters with the wifey and kid then go from there if I want to invest anymore.
  16. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    1/3 acquired. Needs some TLC but that's how I like em. Ordered up a new 24' KLX140RL for the wife, should be here before the snow. Still thinking on my end.
  17. Also keep in the back of your head, modern motorcycles BARELY charge the battery at idle if not only maintain voltage. With these bikes being so sensitive to minimum voltage levels, I'd be hesitant to start/stop that much.
  18. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    Brraaaaapppppp He's still got his legs out but getting the hang of it. Seems like it's hard to find springs for certain dirt bikes. @miweber929 Id take you up on that but I'm about a year out since we're not going the pw50 route anymore.
  19. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    There's a lot of bikes the offer the "trail" version then the "dual sport version" best I can tell one is street legal and the other isn't. Bout the same prices. Kinda odd. I think we are going to skip the pw stage and go right to tt-r50or whatever the equivalent is on big red or green.
  20. kilo3

    Dirt Bikes

    The time has come, the little one is going to be getting an upgrade from electric to some form of gas bike this winter with some sort of transmission. So.. what does papa bear get? We'll be exclusively be riding ATV trails through the woods. I haven't had a dirt bike since several yz250's back in the 90's. What am I looking for just to putz around? Two stoke, four stroke, enduro, trail, mx, cripes there's a lot of options out there. Keep in mind I'm 6'4" 280, so seat height is kinda moot, I can flat foot on a T7. Someone mentioned klx300? Trr250? Honda something Enduro? Don't bother mentioning KTM, they can rot in hell.
  21. What seat you got on the hog, looks interesting.
  22. I've never seen people spend so much time, effort, and money into chains as people on this forum. It boggles the mind.
  23. You might run into issues. I don't know of anyone here dropping a front tooth on the 21+ plus yet, but on the older 20 model, dropping a front tooth means you lose cruise control, it will work for 30-40 seconds before CC will turn off.
  24. Both, traditional cables go to TPS sensor by throttle bodies, which in turn is then decoded and sent via wire to ecu, which in turn commands the throttle body stepper motor.
  25. It all depends where Jupiters moons are in relation to the last new moon on the second tuesday the week after mixing the oil, if neither is visible, just throw that oil out.