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What type of connector is this?


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I'm looking to install a keyless ignition and was hoping someone could help identify this connector. Yes, I know this is a horrible idea and that I'm going to die and that I mind as well leave the keys in the ignition, etc, etc... but until then, I want to pre-purchase some parts off Digikey or wherever so this install can go quicker than waiting a bunch of times for parts to arrive. The kit is not specific to the FJ so I'll need to make an adapter harness
This screenshot is from an FZ09 but should be the same for the FJ. If anyone has a hi-res FJ wiring diagram, I'd love to have a copy of it. I have a blurry one but it's not good past identifying colors (and thus not used here).
What are the 2 and 3 pin connectors called? Thank you!
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  • Premium Member
Keyless? first of all how you manage transponder/antenna/ecu?
not fitted to the US FJ09 - it's an EU thing
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Keyless? first of all how you manage transponder/antenna/ecu?
Fortunately (or unfortunately) we do not have that here in the States. If you have a spare key, there are work arounds for immobilizers but I've never tried it. It basically is an antenna that goes around a key and small amplifier that wraps around the ignition, effectively fooling the ECU into thinking there's a key inserted.
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2 or 3 pin connectors are called 2 or 3 pin connectors. Typically push connectors. On digi-key, make sure the connectors you buy have pins included. If not, be sure to buy pins.
Do you (or anyone) have a more specific name? I scoured Cycle Terminal but didn't see anything that looked like the connectors in the diagram. The connectors for the turn signals and handlebar controls look somewhat accurately drawn, I'm assuming the ignition would follow suit. 
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Oh, you're trying to match the OE connector. Last time I ended up cutting off the OE connector, putting whatever connector set I could find on there.
Have you tried looking at Yamaha parts fiche to see if the connectors are listed?

'15 FJ09

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Oh, you're trying to match the OE connector. Last time I ended up cutting off the OE connector, putting whatever connector set I could find on there.  
Have you tried looking at Yamaha parts fiche to see if the connectors are listed?
Yes, the part is 1RC-82501-30-00 (#20 on Electrical 2 of shopyamaha.com). It shows the connectors but not accurately. If I google that part number, I see a number of similar ignitions with maybe .110" connectors but no pics of this exact part. I had considered replacing the connectors with known type but the ignition cable terminates somewhere under the airbox so not a lot of room. 
In case anyone is wondering, looking to install the motogadget m-lock. The installation is very straight forward but I don't want to modify the stock wiring harness. Also, when I eventually sell the bike, I wouldnt mind taking it with me for the next one.
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