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seasoned greetings to all...

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Well, dear fellow-Traceristas, I was planning to clean and polish the bike today after last week’s outing, but it’s already (at 10am) 31°C outside in the sun
(88° F), so I think I’ll leave it for another, cooler day!
Once washed and polished I’ll cover the bike and put it away for a few week, as it’s often far too hot and humid to ride at this time o’ year, and living as we do between two holiday hot-spots – Queensland’s Gold and Sunshine Coasts – the roads are even more crowded with the impatient and the inattentive than at other times, which is saying a lot!
So may I wish all here the very best for the Christmas holidays, with plenty of farkling bits under the Xmas tree.
Fun and safe riding throughout 2018 too, and beyond, if you can handle beyond!
From (L to R ) – Wordsmith, Honey Wordsmith, and Mrs Wordsmith

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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  • Supporting Member
Best holiday wishes to you as well.
As for 2018 and beyond... I'm always looking at the "beyond", too many good roads out there that I have yet to discover!

***2015 Candy Red FJ-09***

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Beautiful pic there Wordsmith.
To You, Honey & Mrs Wordsmith, I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.
This same sentiment extends to all of my fellow riders out there.
Hopefully you all get a bit of ride time in over the holiday, so be safe out there.
Kimmie xx

Kimmie......the lady who likes to take little detours :)

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