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Kisan Pathblazer Headlight Modulator - Group Buy?

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I'm a very firm believer in headlight modulators, and have used them for at least 25 years.  My friend Andy who owns Kisan Tech asked me to help him develop a HLM for the FJ-09 but it will work on the new Tracer and most newer Yamaha with LED headlights.

Look at the link and you'll see how it installs.  My 15 FJ was the test mule.  I can ask Andy if he'll do a group buy price for the forum (I should post on the FZ forum too).  BTW, while the HLM unit itself is tiny, with its short harness, it's down in a crowded area if you've swapped to Speigler brake lines, so per my request, he'll also make one with a longer harness for those who want to tuck it up higher.


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1 hour ago, 2and3cylinders said:

I'm a very firm believer in headlight modulators, and have used them for at least 25 years.  My friend Andy who owns Kisan Tech asked me to help him develop a HLM for the FJ-09 but it will work on the new Tracer and most newer Yamaha with LED headlights.

Look at the link and you'll see how it installs.  My 15 FJ was the test mule.  I can ask Andy if he'll do a group buy price for the forum (I should post on the FZ forum too).  BTW, while the HLM unit itself is tiny, with its short harness, it's down in a crowded area if you've swapped to Speigler brake lines, so per my request, he'll also make one with a longer harness for those who want to tuck it up higher.


Your friend is welcome to join our supporting vendor program and I'll help him sell a ton of these via this forum, email marketing, our social media programs. This can include a group buy as well.  Either way, I need to be involved in this as I have seen group buys go south and the Forum admin always gets blamed when they do.  

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1 hour ago, dazzler24 said:

I haven't seen these in operation over here in Australia and so wasn't sure that they were in fact legal so I checked and at least in the state of Qld they are (if anyone from Aus was wondering)

Woddizzit, and wodduzzit do?

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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38 minutes ago, wordsmith said:

Woddizzit, and wodduzzit do?

Flash (modulate) your headlight beam at a frequency that is not annoying or impactful on illuminating the road, but is subliminally more noticeable by oncoming traffic. Just as bright overall, but gets you noticed by drivers more.

Red 2015 Tracer, UK spec (well, it was until I started messing with it...)

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Here, most motorcycles have a headlight on all the time.   It was once mandatory, but that stipulation was removed some time ago, but manufacturers continue to incorporate the feature.   I wonder if the 'dipped' beam is also modulated?    Just an idle thought...

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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1 hour ago, wordsmith said:

Woddizzit, and wodduzzit do?

I wondered the same thing wordy so I went looking.  Have a look at this to give you an idea of what a modulator does - go to 1:40 to see one in action.

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1 hour ago, dazzler24 said:

I wondered the same thing wordy so I went looking.  Have a look at this to give you an idea of what a modulator does - go to 1:40 to see one in action.

I did - thanks.   The effect is quite obvious, BUT - on a past Tracer I installed the usual-for-me pair of LED front conspicuity lights.     They were called 'Angel Eyes'.   I didn't realise when ordering on-line that they had three modes: full on, half-on, flashing (= modulated I'd think).   I clearly recall being told, maybe incorrectly, that if riding with these lights on in flashing mode I'd incur the wrath of the pleece.   I never put it to the test, but... although on reflection, many cyclists have flashing rear lights.   Puzzled! 

Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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37 minutes ago, wordsmith said:

I did - thanks.   The effect is quite obvious, BUT - on a past Tracer I installed the usual-for-me pair of LED front conspicuity lights.     They were called 'Angel Eyes'.   I didn't realise when ordering on-line that they had three modes: full on, half-on, flashing (= modulated I'd think).   I clearly recall being told, maybe incorrectly, that if riding with these lights on in flashing mode I'd incur the wrath of the pleece.   I never put it to the test, but... although on reflection, many cyclists have flashing rear lights.   Puzzled! 

Yes I know what you're saying and there is a school of thought that 'modulated' lights look a lot like emergency vehicles and can cause confusion to the uneducated masses and consequently have a negative affect.  Have a look at this from the US.

But also in regard to the pleece having their wrath incurred, there is this info that is after all, in law, for them to uphold.  So as long as all of the criteria as stipulated is met of course. 🙂


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3 hours ago, dazzler24 said:

Yes I know what you're saying and there is a school of thought that 'modulated' lights look a lot like emergency vehicles and can cause confusion to the uneducated masses and consequently have a negative affect.

What confusion? I've been in firefighting and emergency medical response for 10+ years. If they don't notice a bright red 30,000# truck with lights, sirens, and air horns then why would they notice a headlight modulator? :)

Seriously I'd guess that 50% of people notice and yield. 25% of people notice but have no idea what to do (sirens and lights, move to the right). 25% of people just don't notice.

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7 hours ago, BBB said:

Flash (modulate) your headlight beam at a frequency that is not annoying or impactful on illuminating the road, but is subliminally more noticeable by oncoming traffic. Just as bright overall, but gets you noticed by drivers more.

Its not as bad with older bikes using the slightly yellowish incandescent bulbs but on newer bikes with the white hyper-brite  LED's it is extremely annoying, like a blinding strobe light coming at you. 

I was out for a ride the other day and a few bikes with modulators rode by me in the oncoming lane, they were flashing out of sync and at different tempo between bikes, I had to look off the side of the road and shield my peripheral vision with my hand as their bright flashing LED's were so bright and distracting.

Yes, the bikes were noticeable and on a split highway or multiple lane road where oncoming traffic is further to your side they might not be so bad but on a two lane road where you pass a few feet apart from oncoming traffic they can be negatively distracting.  YMMV.

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***2015 Candy Red FJ-09***

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17 hours ago, piotrek said:

Could you show us how it works on your bike? Found the link...


2015 & Newer Yamaha FJ-09, YZF and Tracer models with Factory LED...


Yes I forgot to include that link

I disagree about LEDs being too bright for a modulator and it is highly unusual to see someone running one let alone multiple people I don't think I've ever seen more than one or two a year running them

Go to the link they have examples of what they look like and how they operate

as I said I've used them for at least 25 years and I'm a firm believer in them and I don't mind very much if people pull over out of my way when I'm coming up on them and they definitely will get you noticed and frankly I don't care if somebody doesn't like them as long as they don't hit me or anyone else as a result

Many riders don't realize that their headlights are not properly aimed which can lead to distraction to other drivers

And yes other drivers may think I'm an emergency vehicle but I find most cagers are half brain dead and am constantly amazed how difficult most cagers find it to safely operate their vehicles, let alone not caring one hoot about laws, courtesy, or not being distracted, etc 

I'll talk my buddy about being a forum sponser

I'll try to remember to take some installed pics and a video (it runs on high beam and has a sensor to kill it at night) and post them




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12 hours ago, dazzler24 said:

Yes I know what you're saying and there is a school of thought that 'modulated' lights look a lot like emergency vehicles and can cause confusion to the uneducated masses and consequently have a negative affect.  Have a look at this from the US.

But also in regard to the pleece having their wrath incurred, there is this info that is after all, in law, for them to uphold.  So as long as all of the criteria as stipulated is met of course. 🙂


It seems that modulated headlights ARE OK here (within specified limits) and that I was given a bum-steer, as they say.  Thanks...

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Riding a fully-farkled 2019 MT-09 Tracer 900 GT from my bayside home in South East Queensland, Australia.   

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