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Everything posted by fjray

  1. That, or it takes up some ground clearance.
  2. I used to ride with yamajank but now he's probably too fast for me. JK. Jeff, you must show me the trail braking way. We discussed at a stop once that we didn't do it but we knew we should.
  3. I say it's cheaper taking the rim protectors off than purchasing new bodywork, for both me and the bike. Plus I hate pain, and not riding. You should use yours up if you want to.
  4. Can't tell you how much better a Corbin is than stock. Also, no fumbling around with the silly rubber block under the seat. Oh, I have one for sale for the first generation FJ09.
  5. I know you would like the Bridgestone Battle Ax S22's then.
  6. I'm wondering what you are trying to accomplish? I'd love to swap you or anyone mt stock 2019 handlebars for a first gen sized one. I would like to have more leverage than the new shorter bars give me. Thanks in advance for any info.
  7. I'm jealous. And now, how will I ever keep up with you?
  8. I was there for those early races too. Saturday night used to be insane.
  9. Doesn't seem like the previous owner was much of a rider but a good installer.
  10. I'd swap someone my 2019 handlebars for a set off a first gen FJ.
  11. Make it worth your while for the answer? So forget every tip you've picked up from others.
  12. I could bring you my Dunlop front tire with 165 miles on it. Or anyone, $75.
  13. Couldn't agree more about the crappy stock tires. I took my front tire off at165 miles. I took them off the FJ09 two years ago at under 500 miles. I was really hoping to use them up this year but turns out they were worse than I remembered. Other than that, this may be as much fun as my 1972 Kawasaki 750 two stroke triple was back in the day.
  14. Wasn't trying for laughs, just disgusted with the original tires on these bikes. I've had two new ones now and both times have taken the rim protectors off after only hundreds of miles.
  15. I have a black leather Corbin that fits the FJ09. Wish it would fit my Tracer but it doesn't. I would sell it for $200, you pay shipping. Non heated.
  16. Bonus points for using the word satiating.
  17. I have a second set of wheels ready to go with new Battleax S22's. mounted and balanced. Good thing too because the original Dunflops on these bikes aren't even good at protecting the rims. Maybe in a showroom.
  18. If you'd been driving a semi heavily loaded for years like I did, you'd leave a lot of following distance in front of you. Drove a charter bus too and there they want you to leave a 4 second following distance. But everyone should do the 2 seconds, and I don't see that very often out there.
  19. Ever let someone ride your bike for a few days and then they went back home to Germany and bought one? Me too! Nice bike.
  20. Getting her shined up so we can get them dusty? Should be fun.
  21. Love me some Blood Mountain. Roan Mountain is pretty fun too when we stay in Erwin TN.