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What did you do to your FJ-tracer-gt today?

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I took the GT out for a 300 plus mile ride today on my favorite twisty roads in eastern Pennsylvania. It was the last chance I will have to ride it before it goes on the moving van to Florida. At least she will arrive in that God forsaken place  with no chicken strips on the tires!

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He who dies with the most toys wins.

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Ewww, sounds like an unwanted move to Florida.

Edit: I don't know, if my wife all of the sudden said let's move to Florida I'd say well, it's been a good 30 yr run. I can't go to a flat state. I'd miss the mountains of PA.

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1 hour ago, BBB said:

Welcome to the forum @SleepyC. I would recommend proper riding boots rather than red wellies though 😂

HAHAHA!  Yes, that's my youngest daughter.. she named my bike Straberry Muffin... NOT sure I'm gonna roll with that name..😆

And I agree. I'm an ATGATT kind of guy. Been riding for 35 years, always wear the gear. Back when I was much younger and the 900rr Fireblade was my choice I was much dumber and did a lot of "interesting" riding... and went down at 105 mph.. broke my collar bone but had no other injuries. Shoei Helmet was cracked and scratched and mauled, Vanson jacket was almost through, but it kept the road out. I got lucky with my pants and shoes as back then I wore jeans and sneakers...


But that lead me to always take safety gear seriously. I always wear a GOOD quality helmet and now I'm more of a touring gear boots, pants, jacket kind of guy. 


The FJ-09 I'm pretty pumped about. My Super Tenere was seriously laid out and a great bike but due to many injuries over the years and a replaced hip (I'm only 49!!) I can't ride off road any more. It hurts my bones too much. So I traded it for this FJ straight up. But this FJ is laid out as well. I got 3 seats (stock, saddle man and Sargent)  It has Traxxion Dynamics AK-20 cartridges in the forks and a Penske 8983 shock in the rear sprung for my exact weight. The guy gave me 5 windscreens including 2 Givi's, and a puig and the stock and one other larger touring screen, It has really nice LED turnsignals and a tail tidy etc. And all the stock parts to go back to stock. 

So far the power compared to the S10 is insane. I did "accidental" power wheelies in 3rd gear yesterday.. I need to get used to that.



Thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I'll have some questions for you FJ pros...;)




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18 hours ago, Wintersdark said:

Not in this; though.  A little snow or slush sure, but there's like a solid foot out there right now.  That's just gross.  It's supposed to clear up now, though, after it snowed clear through the last 3 days.  

What did I start!  Yes, I'm afraid it may me an early and harsh winter. We're due 😞

Jeesh, Wintersdark, what did you do to deserve that?

It was cold yesterday but easily bareable, didn't need the heated gloves or compression layer over the heated jacket liner. But my riding bud had charging issues so we got started late and consequently later again got delayed.  What's worse to me this time of year, besides the cold and wet, is that it's still dark at even 0700, and pitch black by 1830 (and will get worse).

Now I have decent driving lights, auxiliary side marker and brake lights, and my old eyes aren't too bad at night, and I like nature's smells you only get after dusk (and catching wiffs of people BBQing, dinner cooking and real log fireplaces) but deer are in rut now, the tarmac has condensation, and the drunks and cellphonaholics seem to venture out at night with the vampires...

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Put the girls away for abnormally early winter :(.  I thought the weather would turn around but they already sent the salt and gravel out on the road last weekend.
The wife got just over 700 miles on hers and I ended around 8.6k.



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What's funny here is that this is a more mild winter - our normal winters are insanely cold and dry.  But it rarely snows (we get 333 days of sun per year) as any moisture just freezes out of the air before it can build up enough to really snow.  But instead, thanks to global warming, our winters are getting warmer.  Instead of -40, we're capping out around -26, and spending a lot more time in the single digit negative temps - prime snowing temperatures.  

Sucks for me, as the cold is fine, but lots of snow is much less manageable.  

I hear ya about the shorter days, that sucks a lot.  I work 7am-7pm / 7pm-7am shift work, which means it's dark when I go to work, and dark when I go home, every day, regardless of which shift I'm working.  

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Just got the FJ back from my suspension guy and the improvement is dramatic.More stable in corners and large and small bone jarring bumps are a thing of the past,its just a joy to ride now and money well spent.I have the K-Tech 20mm IDS cartridge kit and the Razor-R shock. Next will be my Hindle exhaust install.


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22 hours ago, kilo3 said:

Put the girls away for abnormally early winter :(. 

Bummer. My Mom lives in Minnesota; she said they haven't even finished cleaning up leaves yet, and BAM snow. 

I love Minnesota, I really do. But no way could I go back to those long winters. 

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3 minutes ago, keithu said:

Bummer. My Mom lives in Minnesota; she said they haven't even finished cleaning up leaves yet, and BAM snow. 

I love Minnesota, I really do. But no way could I go back to those long winters. 

Urh, I hope it all melts this week.  Right now I have layers of leaves/snow/leaves/more snow and I even mowed right before the snow but there were two maples that were holding out. Snowed again yesterday. :(

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